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Indonesian Students Win Robot Contest in Japan



5 November 2017 15:30 WIB

TEMPO/Anwar Siswadi

TEMPO.CO, Blitar - Four students studying at the Islamic boarding school Mambaus Sholihin, Blitar District, East Java, won a robot contest at the Osaka Robotic Games 2017 held in Osaka, Japan, from Oct 28 to Nov 2.

Moh. Gymnstiar, one of the winning students, said he was proud to present the best in the contest with his colleagues, Noval Hanif, Bahrul Bahria, and Farhan Habibi.

"We competed in four categories, namely, sumo racing, line follower micro, maze solving, and soccer," Gymnstiar stated on Saturday.

The four students won five medals, including one gold medal, three silver medals, and one bronze medal. They created two line follower robots and two soccer robots.

Gymnstiar explained that he participated in two categories and won one gold medal in the sumo racing category and one silver medal in the maze solving category. Meanwhile, Hanif won the second place in sumo racing category and achieved a bronze medal in the soccer category. Bahrul and Farhan won one silver medal each in the soccer team category.

Blitar District head, Harijanto remarked that he was proud of the success of the students and hoped that they would continue to develop their abilities and achievements.

"They are wonderful students. We hope that they will continue to succeed in the future," he asserted.


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