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4 Incredible Benefits of Celery Juice, Reduce Inflammation

11 September 2024 20:54 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Celery juice is currently gaining popularity. Not only does it provide numerous nutrients, but celery juice is also an easier way to get daily fiber.

However, you may be wondering, "Is celery juice as healthy as people say it is?" Well, this article will reveal credible facts about celery juice, as reported by Healthline and Forbes.

What is Celery Juice?

Celery juice is a beverage made from the juice extracted from celery stalks. It has become popular for its potential health benefits and is often consumed as part of a wellness routine.

The Benefits of Celery Juice

1. Promotes hydration

Celery juice contains a lot of water, which hydrates your body. It may not seem like a big deal, but water plays a big role in managing blood pressure, kidney health, and brain function. 

2. Helps reduce inflammation

Celery is rich in antioxidants such as flavonoids and vitamin C. These compounds help neutralize free radicals, which can otherwise contribute to oxidative stress and inflammation in the body.

3. Low in sugar

For those trying to reduce sugar in their diet, celery juice can be a great option for your beverage. It gives you a fresh taste with a little sugar, about 3 grams per single serving. You can also add your natural sweetener, such as honey, to make it even more delicious.

4. Maintain digestive health

Even though celery isn't high in fiber, it contains a plant compound called luteolin, which is thought to reduce inflammation. To get as much fiber as possible, you can drink unstrained celery juice, as the fiber in it has been shown to support gut health.

How to Make Celery Juice

Making celery juice is easy. The ingredients are easy to find and affordable.

Here's how to make celery juice:

- Wash 3-4 celery stalks and cut them into medium pieces.
- Add a small amount of water to a juicer and blend.
- Pour the blended celery stalks into a strainer and squeeze to extract the juice.
- You can add other fruits, vegetables, or herbs to add more flavor, such as apple or ginger.
- The celery juice is ready to serve.

When to Drink Celery Juice

The best way to consume celery juice is to drink 16 ounces or less first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Wait at least 15 minutes after drinking the juice before eating or drinking anything else.

Healthline | Forbes 

Editor's Choice: 3 Healthy Benefits of Celery Mayo

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