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Jakarta Targeting to Have 1,500 Waste Banks



18 February 2015 04:42 WIB

Waste bank. TEMPO/Aditia Noviansyah

TEMPO.CO, JakartaJakarta Provincial Government keeps trying various ways to solve garbage problem in the capital city. One of them is by adding garbage bank. Even this year, Jakarta Sanitary Department is targeting to have 1,500 waste banks in five cities.

Jakarta Cleanliness Department Head, Saptastri Ediningtyas Kusumadewi, disclosed her department will keep holding a garbage bank program. This is because the program has been existed in the upstream of garbage.

"We will encourage people to build waste banks. This year, we also target 1,500 waste banks could be realized. Many institutions or government and private offices, schools, shopping centers, etc, can support this program," she stated as quoted by Antara News.

She exclaimed to build garbage bank is very easy and simple. It only requires a land for shelter and willingness to manage it, plus sorter and scales tool.

For the initial stage, she holds the garbage bank in her office and then continued to sub-department offices in five cities and Seribu Islands. The employees are also required to supply dry garbage into the garbage bank. Each employee would receive a garbage passbook, in which 1 kilogram of garbage priced at Rp1,000.


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