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Activist Raises Concern Over Rapid Growth of Pornography



12 February 2015 23:12 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The distribution of pornographic materials is growing rapidly in the society. Noweadays, almost everyone, even kids, can easily access pornographic materials through the internet. Head of the National Commission of Children Protection Arist Merdeka Sirait, said that the condition had caused Indonesia to experience a state of pornographic emergency.

Arist said that 45 million out of 89 million internet users in Indonesia, have been accessing website containing pornography. He also added that as a result, the number of sexual abuse cases towards children is increasing.

In 2013, 16 percent of the total number of sexual abuse cases towards children was triggered by pornographic materials. "The number increased to 26 percent in 2014," he said.

Arist said that the increase is alarming, and pornography can one day turn kids to becoming sexual predators. Therefore, he urged the government to enforce assertive measures, "We need to block all porn sites," he said.


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