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US Army Designs 'Iron Man' Suit for Soldiers



19 October 2018 22:03 WIB

Iron Man.

TEMPO.CO, Dover - The United States seems to have been inspired by Tony Stark’s magnificent suit in the series of Iron Man movies as it has commissioned an ‘Iron Man’ style suit for its soldiers. 

The US military’s new uniform, named The Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit or TALOS, will be bullet-proof, enhance the wearer's strength, and heal wounds by temporarily stopping bleeding and display the soldier's vital signs. It would comprise of layers of smart material and sensors, in order to better enable and protect soldiers during combat situations. 

The Special Operations Command has collaborated with universities, laboratories and the tech industry to design the superhuman suit that would be worn by soldiers in the field. 

TALOS was first revealed by Adm. Bill McRaven, top officer of the Special Ops, at a conference in May. He said the armor was inspired by the death of one of his troops in Afghanistan. 

Norman Wagner, a professor of chemical engineering at the University of Delaware, is using nanotechnology to create a liquid-ceramic material. The moment the thin, liquid-like fabric is hit with something, such as a bullet, it would immediately transform into a much harder shell. 

"It transitions when you hit it hard," Wagner told NPR. "These particles organize themselves quickly, locally in a way that they can't flow anymore and they become like a solid." 

The Army hopes to have a prototype ready by next year, according to NBC News, yet an advanced model won't be developed until at least 2016. 


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