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Top 10 Safest Countries in the World for Women to Live

27 August 2024 14:30 WIB

Stroget is an area for shopping and walking tours, with a long street that seems to divide the Danish capital Copenhagen. (Photo: @wheretogocph)

TEMPO.CO, JakartaA 2017 survey conducted by the Thomson Reuters Foundation revealed that India was, and likely is still, the country with the highest rates of violence against women. The results were based on factors such as access to health care, access to economic resources, and sexual and non-sexual abuse rates.

While some countries are not the safest for women to live in, others recognize the importance of providing a safe and comfortable place for them to thrive. In this article, we will discover the safest countries for women in the world.

List of Safest Countries in the World for Women

The following list of the safest countries for women is based on the "2023 Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) Index" released by Georgetown University's Institute for Women, Peace and Security (GIWPS). The index scores and ranks 177 countries in terms of women's inclusion, justice, and security.

According to data from the WPS Index, the majority of Nordic countries, such as Denmark, Sweden, and Finland, appear to rank high and dominate the list. Scroll down to read more.

1. Denmark (Score: 0.932)

The 2023 WPS Index saw Denmark as the safest country for women in the world. Standing at the first position out of 177 countries, the Nordic country demonstrates an outstanding performance when it comes to women’s access to justice and bank account, as well as gender equitable legal code.

2. Switzerland (Score: 0.928)

Switzerland follows right behind Denmark in second position, scoring 0.928. Besides being one of the safest countries in the world in 2024, this country has demonstrated a clear commitment to gender equality, as evidenced by its foreign policy that specifically promotes equality and women's rights, citing from the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) of Switzerland.

3. Sweden (Score: 0.926)

Sweden is a global leader in gender equality, with comprehensive laws that protect women's rights. For instance, as mentioned in the official website of, gender discrimination has been illegal in Sweden since 1980.

It is thanks to the enforcement of the Discrimination Act in 2009. The law demands employers to actively promote equality between men and women, as well as taking measures against harassment.

4. Finland (Score: 0.924)

Scoring 0.924 at the 2023 WPS Index, Finland is another Nordic country that ranks high in terms of women's security and inclusion. It is basically a safe haven for women to enjoy equal access to education and healthcare.

Moreover, according to Finland Toolbox, Finland was the first country in the world to extend the right to vote and stand for elections to all women and men in 1906.

5. Luxembourg (Score: 0.924)

One should not underestimate Luxembourg’s commitment in ensuring equality for men and women. The country's commitment to gender equality is evident in its Ministry of Equality between Women and Men established in 2015, as cited from

The establishment of the body brings Luxembourg to be the only EU state with a ministry whose responsibility is exclusively gender equality. To add, one of the ministry’s responsibilities is to implement gender mainstreaming in the Grand Duchy's political structures.

6. Iceland (Score: 0.924)

Iceland consistently ranks as the safest country, given its low crime rate and a deep respect for equality. The country has been progressive in terms of women’s inclusion, which is evident in the increased participation of women in politics, according to the official site of the Government of Iceland.

7. Norway (Score: 0.92)

Norway's commitment to gender equality and a robust welfare system makes it one of the safest countries for women. The government of Norway ensures to increase the opportunities available to women and girls for self-determination and further their empowerment.

8. Austria (Score: 0.911)

It is no surprise that Austria is one of the safest countries for women in the world. According to GIWPS, the country shows a consistent improvement, particularly in terms of women’s financial inclusion.

Furthermore, women in Austria enjoy equal rights thanks to the Austrian Development Agency, which always supports measures to ensure the equal participation of women and men and girls and boys in all its projects and programmes.

9. Netherlands (Score: 0.908)

While there is still more work to do to provide more equal opportunities for women in the Netherlands, the country has demonstrated progressive attitude towards women's rights. For example, the government focuses on implementing the UN Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security to improve the position of women.

Moreover, the Netherlands are also committed to combating violence against women, promoting political and economic participation by women, and achieving gender equality between men and women, quoting from the official site of the Government of the Netherlands.

10. New Zealand (Score: 0.904)

New Zealand has a strong legal framework that protects women from violence and discrimination. Its government, too, actively works to promote gender equality.

It is worth mentioning that the country celebrates Suffrage Day on September 19 every year. According to the New Zealand Ministry for Women, people commemorate Suffrage Day to acknowledge the contributions of women who have fought to advance women’s rights and the betterment of New Zealand’s society.

These countries are setting a global standard for women's safety by creating environments where women can live, work, and thrive without fear. You can also check out our top list of most dangerous countries for women.

Editor's Choice: Top 10 Safest Countries for Solo Female Travelers, Explore with Confidence

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