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Foreign Ministry: Indonesia-Israel Trade Goes Through Third Parties


Non Koresponden


Nabiha Zain

18 July 2024 19:10 WIB

TEMPO.CO, JakartaThe Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemenlu) has addressed recent revelations about trade activities between Indonesia and Israel. According to the Ministry, statistical data indicates that trade with Israel is conducted indirectly through third-party countries.

"We have seen the statistical data that Indonesia's trade with Israel is carried out indirectly through third-party countries," stated Abdul Kadir Jailani, Director General of Asia Pacific and Africa at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, during a session at the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Office in Central Jakarta on Thursday, July 18, 2024, the MUI said on their website. 

Jailani was speaking at the Palestinian Dialogue: Indonesia's Policy and Role in Palestinian Peace Efforts, emphasizing that the value of Indonesia's trade transactions with Israel constitutes only 0.003 percent of the country's total trade with other nations.

"It is done with third countries. In this issue policy, Indonesia always looks at all the provisions of national and international regulations," Jailani added, reiterating Indonesia's consistent stance on Palestine in alignment with international norms and customs.

Jailani further explained that various countries act as intermediaries in Indonesia's trade with Israel, noting that this practice is common in the world of export and import. He clarified that the specific ministries responsible are not always clear, as the transactions are primarily business-to-business.

This response follows concerns raised by the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), which has called for strategic and tactical steps from the government to halt export-import activities with Israel. This call came after the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) reported an increase in trade with Israel.

MUI Chairman for Foreign Relations and International Cooperation, Prof. Sudarnoto Abdul Hakim, expressed surprise at the news, citing the 1945 Constitution's mandate for Indonesia to support the Palestinian people against colonialism. He highlighted Israel's ongoing actions against Palestine, including alleged genocide and the rejection of ceasefire efforts.

"Israel has not only colonized Palestine but has committed genocide on a large scale against Palestine," Prof. Sudarnoto stated. He also noted that recent changes in the Israeli cabinet have led to more extreme policies.

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