Indonesian Senior Economist Faisal Basri Passes Away at 65
5 September 2024 06:27 WIB
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Indonesian senior economist and political analyst Faisal Basri passed away on Thursday, September 5, 2024, at 03:50 WIB (Western Indonesian Time) at Mayapada Hospital, Kuningan, Jakarta. Tempo received this sad news through a message from his family this morning.
“Has passed away today, Thursday, September 5, 2024, at 03:50 WIB at Mayapada Hospital, Kuningan, Jakarta, our dearest husband, father, son, brother, sister, uwak, mamak: Mr. Faisal Basri bin Hasan Basri Batubara at the age of 65. Please pray that Rahimahullah will be given the best place in Jannatul Firdaus, forgiven all his mistakes, his grave will be widened, his deeds of worship will be accepted, and the family left behind will be given patience and sincerity,” read the message that Tempo received.
Faisal Basri leaves behind his wife, Syafitrie Nasution and three children, Anwar Ibrahim Basri
Siti Nabila Azuraa Basri, and Muhammad Attar Basri. The funeral home of the deceased is located at Kompleks Gudang Peluru Blok A 60, South Jakarta. Faisal Basri's body will be buried after the asr prayer at Az-Zahra Mosque, Gudang Peluru, Tebet, South Jakarta. The deceased will be buried at Menteng Pulo TMP (cemetery).
The Tempo editorial team mourns this great loss.
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