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FPI Respond to Government Ban

30 December 2020 16:05 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Islam Defenders Front (FPI) legal department secretary Aziz Yanuar, deplored the decision taken by the government to ban any type of activities related to the organization.

"This is criminalization," said Aziz in a text message to Tempo on Wednesday, December 30, 2020. 

Aziz said that the organization is still considering whether it would legally contest the government's decision.

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Mahfud Md announced on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, that the government has officially banned FPI-related activities.

"The government will announce the status of the FPI organization," said Mahfud at a press conference on December 30, 2020.

Mahfud explained that since June 21, 2019, the organization had been disbanded by law. However, FPI continues to carry out activities that violate the law and public order, most notably provocation and sweeping operations.

"In accordance with the law and the Constitutional Court's ruling, the government prohibits FPI activities and will stop any activities carried out by FPI," said Mahfud while adding that the organization had no legal standing.


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Broadcasting Bill; Mahfud Md Says Investigative Journalism is Journalists' Job

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Mahfud Md: Presidential Elections is Finished Legally, Not Politically

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Election Dispute Hearing: Mahfud Md Argues Other Countries Cancel Fraudulent Election Results

27 Maret 2024

Election Dispute Hearing: Mahfud Md Argues Other Countries Cancel Fraudulent Election Results

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Ganjar Pranowo, Mahfud MD Attend Election Dispute Hearing at MK, Pleads on Democracy

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Ganjar Pranowo, Mahfud MD Attend Election Dispute Hearing at MK, Pleads on Democracy

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House Denies Possible Direct Appointment of Future Jakarta Governor; Regional Election Will Persist

4 Maret 2024

House Denies Possible Direct Appointment of Future Jakarta Governor; Regional Election Will Persist

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