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Tempo Launches Creator Network to Protect Content Creators from ITE Law Threats

27 August 2024 20:52 WIB

TEMPO.CO, JakartaTempo Media Group has established the Tempo Creator Network to safeguard artists, activists, and content creators from the potential threats posed by the Electronic Information and Transactions Law (UU ITE). Tempo Deputy Editor-in-Chief Bagja Hidayat stated that this initiative was motivated by the need to protect freedom of expression, which has been compromised by the ITE Law.

“Press is protected by the Press Law, but artists and content creators lack similar protection,” Bagja explained. He emphasized that the ITE Law is often used to criminalize individuals who express their opinions publicly, unlike journalists who are shielded by the Press Council when dealing with journalistic products.

Tempo Creator Network Offers Protection to Artists and Content Creators

The Tempo Creator Network was formed to provide artists and content creators with a platform to express their opinions under the umbrella of journalistic protection afforded by the Press Law. “By joining the Tempo Creator Network, they will benefit from the press law's protection and avoid the risks associated with the ITE Law,” Bagja said.

The ITE Law has been criticized for its broad interpretation and potential for abuse. Bagja cited an example where individuals who feel offended by statements on social media can use the ITE Law to report the statement makers to the police. “This is the danger of the ITE Law, which undermines freedom of expression,” he said. 

Although the Tempo Creator Network has been launched, it will be actively developed going forward. Bagja explained that Tempo is currently exploring collaborations with several content creators who frequently address political issues. “We invite them to join and benefit from the protection offered by this initiative,” Bagja said.

Joining the Tempo Creator Network

To join the Tempo Creator Network, content creators can contact the Tempo editorial team via email. Upon joining, content creators will maintain their freedom to create their own content, but its publication will be subject to review by Tempo's editorial team to ensure compliance with journalistic procedures and the applicable code of ethics in Indonesia.

Many artists, musicians, filmmakers, and content creators have recently expressed concerns about the state of Indonesian democracy. They have utilized their social media platforms and public performances to raise awareness about the Emergency Warning and the threat of a regime seeking to perpetuate its power through a political dynasty. 

In their efforts to voice their aspirations, these individuals have faced challenges such as difficulties obtaining permits and restrictions on displaying Emergency Warning banners at their concerts.


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