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Constitutional Court Decision Blocks Former Governors to Run as Deputy Governors in the Same Region


Najla Nur Fauziyah


Laila Afifa

21 August 2024 17:37 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta The Indonesian Constitutional Court or MK decided that petitions No. 71/PUU/XXII/2024 and No. 73/PUU-XXII/2024 in Regional Head Elections were inadmissible on Tuesday, August 20, 2024. The petition challenged the restriction for former governors to run as deputy governors in the same region in the 2024 regional head elections. 

Former Riau Islands Governor, Isdianto, submitted petition No. 71/PUU/XXII/2024. In its decision, Deputy Chief Justice Saldi Isra said the Petitioner’s petitum or claim was difficult to understand. The petition did not follow the format referred to in Article 10 paragraph (2) D of the MK Regulation and the usual judicial review petition. 

As such, the Constitutional Court said the Petitioner’s claim was obscure. “Since the petitum was obscure, thus not meeting the formal requirement, the Court did not consider the legal standing and the petition any further,” he said, as quoted from the MK official website on Wednesday, August 21, 2024.

MK rejected similar petition No. 73/PUU-XXII/2024 by John Gunung Hutapea, Deny Panjaitan, Saibun Kasmadi Sirait, and Elvis Sitorus. The court decided the petition lacked legal standing. 

Saldi Isra said the regulation did not harm anyone’s constitutional right to participate in the regional head election. The Constitutional Court declared the petitioners must find prospective deputy governors who are not restricted by the regulation. Thus, the court had no doubt that the Petitioners lacked legal standing to appear before the court.

“Since the Petitioners did not have the legal standing to file the quo petition, their petition is not considered further,” the Constitutional Court decided.


Editor’s Choice: Constitutional Court Allows Regional Election Campaign on Campus Grounds 

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