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People Power Prevails; 6 Coups Ousted by Public Pressure

3 July 2024 08:54 WIB

TEMPO.CO, JakartaA coup d'état, also known as a seizure of power, is a sudden, violent overthrow of a government by a small group, often the military. Throughout history, coups have been a recurring theme in many countries. While some coups have successfully established new regimes, others have faced fierce popular resistance. 

Read on to learn more about coup attempts in six countries that were successfully thwarted by their people.

1. Bolivia (2024)

In June 2024, Bolivia narrowly escaped a coup attempt. Bolivian armed forces withdrew from the presidential palace in La Paz on Wednesday evening, June 26, 2024, and a general was arrested after President Luis Arce denounced a "coup" attempt against the government. The incident underscores the rising tensions ahead of the 2025 elections, where leftist former President Evo Morales planned to run against his former ally Arce creating a major rift within the ruling socialist party and broader political uncertainty.

2. Türkiye (2016)

On July 15, 2016, a faction of the Turkish military attempted to seize power. However, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s call for public resistance via FaceTime spurred thousands to defy the coup plotters. This outpouring of support for democracy ultimately thwarted the attempt of a military takeover.

3. Venezuela (2002)

In April 2002, President Hugo Chavez faced a coup attempt by military factions and the civilian opposition. Chavez was detained and a provisional government was formed. Despite initial success, massive demonstrations by his thousands of supporters, coupled with wavering military loyalty, forced the coup's collapse within 48 hours. This case highlights the importance of public support in resisting regime change.

4. Thailand (1992)

After a military coup led by General Suchinda Kraprayoon in 1991, Thailand experienced a period of unstable military rule. However, widespread protests known as "Black May" erupted in 1992. Despite violent clashes, the people's determination and international pressure ultimately led to the resignation of Suchinda and a return to civilian rule.

5. Portugal (1974)

The Carnation Revolution in April 1974 is an example of a peaceful revolution that succeeded in ending dictatorial rule in Portugal, according to a journal website of the University of Indonesia (UI) Dissident military officers, supported by the public who displayed carnations as a symbol of peace, peacefully overthrew the authoritarian regime. This "Carnation Revolution" paved the way for a democratic transition.

6. Indonesia (1965)

The 1965 Indonesian incident, known as the 30 September Movement (G30S), remains a controversial event. Citing the North Sumatra University's (USU) page, the military led by General Soeharto crushed an alleged coup attempt by the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) with public backing. In a short time, Soeharto took control and consolidated power, ultimately leading to the fall of Soekarno's government.


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