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PDNS Ransomware: House Member Claims 80 Foreign Companies to Audit Indonesian Branches


Najla Nur Fauziyah


Laila Afifa

4 July 2024 17:19 WIB

TEMPO.CO, JakartaMember of Commission I of the House of Representatives (DPR), Sukamta, claims dozens of foreign companies investing in Indonesia were alarmed about the recent ransomware attack on the country’s National Data Center (PDN). According to him, dozens of multinational companies were auditing their Indonesian branches in the wake of the PDN system breach. 

"I’ve heard that 80 (foreign) companies have checked in with their Indonesian branches,” he told Tempo on Wednesday, July 3, 2024.

According to the Prosperous Justice Party member, these foreign companies probed their branches in Indonesia to determine whether they were affected by the ransomware incident and send audits for recovery.

"That indicates a loss of trust (in Indonesia)," said Sukamta.

The government has not disclosed what data was leaked to the hackers thus far. President Joko Widodo or Jokowi said the government had evaluated the case and requested all ministries and governmental institutions to back up their data to prevent similar incidents. 

"Our national data must be backed up so similar incidents won’t take us by surprise next time. And these incidents also occur in other countries, not just ours,” said Jokowi on Wednesday, July 3, 2024.

The national data center was attacked by LockBit 3.0 ransomware on June 20, 2024. The temporary data center in Surabaya manages 73 ministries and institutions and hundreds belonging to regional governments.


Editor’s Choice: PDNS Decryption Key Offered, But Hackers Threaten Kominfo Data Release on Denial

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