VP Secures Slovakia's Support for Indonesia's Accession to OECD




Petir Garda Bhwana

Selasa, 28 November 2023 15:13 WIB

Indonesian Vice President Ma'ruf Amin (center) holds a meeting with local halal industry players in Bratislava, Slovakia, on November 26, 2023. (ANTARA/Indra Arief Pribadi)

TEMPO.CO, Bratislava, Slovakia - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin obtained Slovakia's support for Indonesia's accession to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) during a meeting with Slovak Deputy Prime Minister Denisa Sakova.

This was revealed by Indonesian Ambassador to Slovakia Pribadi Sutiono after he accompanied Amin to a closed-door meeting with Sakova at the latter's office in Bratislava on Monday, Nov. 27, 2023.

"She (Sakova) conveyed her country's support for Indonesia's OECD full membership bid," Sutiono confirmed.

He said the support from Slovakia is crucial for Indonesia, considering that this Central European country is a permanent member of the OECD.

"It is good that we have support from Slovakia. The country's support will be influential, given its status as a member (of the OECD)," the ambassador added.

During the meeting, Vice President Amin also sought Slovakia's backing for expediting the finalization of the Indonesia-European Union Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IEU-CEPA).

Rounds of negotiations for the IEU-CEPA are expected to conclude by the end of this year.

The finalization of the partnership agreement will help Indonesia deal with obstacles impeding its trade with the European Union, such as allegations of Indonesian agricultural goods contributing to deforestation.

"Slovakia will endeavor to help accelerate (the finalization). The completion target is late 2023," Sutiono informed.

Amin and Sakova also discussed the potential of nickel investment in Indonesia.

Currently, the Slovak government is making efforts to develop the electric vehicle (EV) industry. Meanwhile, Indonesia has abundant reserves of nickel, which is used as a raw material in producing EV batteries.

"The Slovak Deputy PM said she would follow up on it (investment potential). In fact, she asked to meet me regarding that matter. We also told her that Indonesia possesses the world's largest nickel reserves," Sutiono said.


Editor's Choice: Indonesian VP Encourages Muslims in Slovakia to Promote Moderate Islam

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