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In Kualanamu, SBY Claims Economic Achievements

28 March 2014 13:48 WIB

Presiden SBY memantau penjualan bukunya di Mall Summarecon, Tangerang, Banten, Kamis (5/3). TEMPO/Marifka Wahyu Hidayat

TEMPO.CO, Deli Serdang - There was something interesting when President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) inaugurated six airport projects, yesterday. In his speech, SBY did not discuss transportations, but talked about his administration for the past ten years.  He claimed to have succeeded in stabilizing the Indonesian economy from the crisis that have threatened a few times.

According to the president, leaders in Indonesia must understand the people’s needs in the next 30 years. "Once the people’s needs are known, plans and budgets will be precise," he said in cargo terminal Kualanamu International Airport, Deli Serdang.

SBY said Indonesia suffered crisis on 2005, 2009 and 2013. "Indonesia is always affected, but it could always be minimized."

The stability of this economic condition is also shown through Indonesia’s rank that is in the big 20s in world economy.  Judging from the gross domestic products, Indonesia is in the 16th rank, while from purchasing power party, Indonesia is in the 15th rank. "The economy is higher than 2004," said SBY.

The president does not deny that the infrastructure development in Indonesia still has many flaws. However, he said, until early 2014, there has been an allocation of Rp800 trillion from Rp4,000 trillion for an infrastructural development. "It’s just a new beginning, a good beginning. Indonesian economy will advance, unstoppable," he said. This situation must be maintained with good management governing and economy.


Indonesia Receives Australian Rp499bn Grant for Research, Innovation Sector

14 November 2023

Indonesia Receives Australian Rp499bn Grant for Research, Innovation Sector

The Indonesian government in tandem with the Australian government launched the latest innovative collaboration for scientific research.

Sri Mulyani Talks of Indonesia's Current Economic Challenges

19 Mei 2023

Sri Mulyani Talks of Indonesia's Current Economic Challenges

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Sense Of Crisis Amidst Global Crisis is Important, Jokowi Says

28 April 2022

Sense Of Crisis Amidst Global Crisis is Important, Jokowi Says

President Jokowi reminded state officials to have a sense of crisis during the period of global economic and political crisis.

Jokowi Confirms New Capital City Named Nusantara: Minister Suharso

17 Januari 2022

Jokowi Confirms New Capital City Named Nusantara: Minister Suharso

Minister Suharso said President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo on Friday last week, Jan. 14, decided to name Nusantara for the new capital city.

New Capital City Leader Not Appointed by Election, Bappenas Says

2 September 2021

New Capital City Leader Not Appointed by Election, Bappenas Says

The National Development Planning Ministry or Bappenas confirmed that bills on the new capital city have been completed.

Bappenas: Impossible to Develop New Capital City in Few Years

1 September 2021

Bappenas: Impossible to Develop New Capital City in Few Years

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Bappenas: Economic Growth Must Be 6% to Escape Middle-Income Trap

29 April 2021

Bappenas: Economic Growth Must Be 6% to Escape Middle-Income Trap

Bappenas Head Suharo Monoarfa says Indonesia must pursue economic growth of 6 percent by 2022 in order to escape the middle-income trap.

New Capital City Project Awaits Political Decision: Bappenas

29 Desember 2020

New Capital City Project Awaits Political Decision: Bappenas

Bappenas Head Suharso Monoarfa confirmed that his side had completed the master plan for the new capital city construction project.

Govt Eyes to Reduce Poverty Rate to 9.2 Percent in 2021

29 Desember 2020

Govt Eyes to Reduce Poverty Rate to 9.2 Percent in 2021

The government was striving to reduce the poverty rate to around 9.2 to 9.7 percent in 2021, said Minister or Bappenas Head Suharso Monoarfa.

National Development Planning Minister: We Pay Attention to Green Economy

12 Desember 2020

National Development Planning Minister: We Pay Attention to Green Economy

The Indonesian Government will focus the next year's development agenda on economic recovery.