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Jokowi Reaffirms Move to New Capital Depends on Infrastructure Completion


Najla Nur Fauziyah


Laila Afifa

26 July 2024 08:48 WIB

TEMPO.CO, JakartaPresident Joko Widodo or Jokowi said he’s ready to move his office to Nusantara Capital City or IKN on July 28, 2024, as long as the facilities are all prepared. 

"I’ve been informed that the water has been distributed (to the new capital),” said President Jokowi, referring to the IKN Authority. 

According to the Head of State, his move to IKN on July 28, depends on the readiness of facilities, including his office furniture and other supporting facilities. "I’ll see whether the facilities are ready,” he said.

President Jokowi is scheduled to inaugurate the toll road infrastructure and review the progress of IKN construction. 

The president is also said to lead the first Cabinet Meeting in Nusantara’s Presidential Office. When asked about the preparation for the meeting, Jokowi reiterated that it would depend on whether the facilities are ready. 

"What if the chairs are not available? It’s not like we can sit on the floor for the meeting,” he said.

Jokowi stressed that he was not inclined to carry out activities in the new capital city if it meant a decline in interior and structural qualities.

Construction of the Presidential Office Completed

The construction of the Presidential Office in IKN has been completed with the Garuda statue’s last wing blade installation. 

"Praise be to God, we have carried out the installation of the 4650th wing blade which marks the completion of the Garuda construction," said Minister of Public Works and Housing (PUPR) and Acting Head of the IKN Authority Basuki Hadimuljono in Jakarta, Monday, July 22, 2024.

This was also part of the final construction of the Presidential Office building in the IKN Core Government Center Area.

The last garuda wing sheath blade was sent from PT Siluet Nyoman Nuarta's workshop at NuArt Sculpture Park in Bandung to the new capital city in Sepaku, Penajam Paser, East Kalimantan. President Director of PT Siluet, Nyoman Nuarta explained that sending the garuda wing blades was no easy feat. Nuarta said the giant 1,398.3 tons Garuda statue was designed with a wingspan of 177 meters and a height of 77 meters. 

Head of the Presidential Secretariat Heru Budi Hartono said the PUPR ministry has accelerated the interior filling of the Presidential Office. 

"Tables, furniture, lamps, chairs are underway," said Heru on Wednesday, July 24, 2024.


Editor’s Choice: Jokowi to Start Working at Nusantara Capital City on July 28, Official Says    

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