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Another Rally Demanding Jokowi's Impeachment In Front Of Parliament Building

8 March 2024 16:47 WIB

TEMPO.CO, JakartaThe Central Jakarta Police deployed 2,678 personnel to secure the demonstration held in front of the Parliament Building this afternoon, March 8. The rally, demanding the impeachment of President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo, was organized by elements of society united in the National Coalition to Save Democracy

In addition to demanding Jokowi's impeachment, the masses called for the eradication of the political dynasty, a forensic audit of the General Elections Commission's (KPU) IT system, and highlighted the fraud that marred the February elections.

“The personnel will later be deployed to several points around the parliament,” Central Jakarta Police Chief Sr. Comr. Susatyo Purnomo Condro said in a written statement.

Susatyo said the personnel consisted of Jakarta Metro Jaya Police, Central Jakarta Sectoral Police, Indonesian Military (TNI), Jakarta Regional Government, and related agencies. These personnel will later provide security to prevent the protesters from entering the Parliament area.

Road closures and traffic diversions, he went on, would be applied if the crowds grow.

“We will close the traffic from the toll road in front of the Parliament and divert it straight to Slipi,” he added.

Susatyo appealed to the field coordinators and orators to deliver their speeches politely and refrain from provoking the masses. “So that this demonstration activity can be safe, orderly, and peaceful,” he concluded.


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