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Soeharto Listed Among World's 10 Most Corrupt Presidents of All Time

2 October 2023 12:41 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Indonesia's former president Soeharto is included listed among the world's most corrupt state leaders of all time. The list was released by Transparency International via the 2004 Global Corruption Report via Forbes.

During his 32 years in office (1967-1998), the man dubbed 'Father of Development' was suspected of embezzling up to US$15 billion to US$35 billion, putting him right at the top of the list.

In second place is the former President of the Philippines from 1972-1986, Ferdinand Emmanuel Edralin Marcos. He allegedly took US$5 billion to US$10 billion into his own pockets. The dictator is also suspected of being involved in several cases of violence, cannibalism, kidnapping and forced arrest.

The complete list is as follows:

1. Suharto, President of Indonesia (1967–1998), allegedly embezzled US$15 billion to US$35 billion.

2. Ferdinand Marcos, President of the Philippines (1972–1986), allegedly embezzled US$5-10 billion

3. Mobutu Sese Seko, President of Zaire (1965-1997). Allegedly embezzled U$$5 billion.

4. Sani Abacha, President of Nigeria (1993-1998). Allegedly embezzled up to U$5 billion.

5. Slobodan Milosevic, President of Serbia/Yugoslavia (1989-2000). Allegedly embedded US$1 billion.

6. Jean-Claude Duvalier, President of Haiti (1971-1986). Allegedly embezzled U$300 million to US$800 million

7. Alberto Fujimori, President of Peru (1990-2000). Allegedly embezzled US$600 million.

8. Pavlo Lazarenko, Prime Minister of Ukraine (1996-1997). Allegedly embezzled US$114 million to $200 million.

9. Arnoldo Alemán, President of Nicaragua (1997-2002). Allegedly embezzled US$100 million.

10. Joseph Estrada, President of the Philippines (1998-2001). Allegedly embezzled US$78 million to US$80 million.


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