DPR Urges Government to Investigate Alleged Tapping



Kamis, 20 Februari 2014 12:00 WIB

Chairman of Commission I of PKS faction Mahfouz Siddiq. TEMPO/Imam Sukamto

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Information Commission Chairman at the House of Representatives (DPR) Mahfudz Siddiq, demanded that the government investigate the alleged involvement of Telkomsel and Indosat in the wiretapping done by Australia and the US. "This concerns national security, the government can't ignore it," he told Tempo yesterday.

According to Mahfudz, the government should not wait for reports, but also actively investigate and seek clarification. Investigation is done to confirm the alleged leaks of mobile phone customers' data, caused by collusion or system hacking.

He said that the commission was waiting for the government to complete the investigation on the two companies. In the near future, the commission will ask for clarification from both cellular operators.

Digital forensic expert, Ruby Alamsyah, said that Telkomsel and Indosat needed to conduct internal audits to trace the tapping done by Australian and American spies. It is possible that the tapping happened because data was stolen from both operators. "There is stolen raw data, so it can only be solved by the ooperators capable of audits," he said yesterday.

If Telkomsel and Indosat are found guilty of wiretapping, Communications and Information Minister Tifatul Sembiring threatens to close down both companies. Decision will be taken after the government completes the investigation.


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