Today's Top 3 News: Jokowi's Role in Weakening of KPK, Risk in All Mineral Downstreaming Policy, UN Urges More Gaza Aid



Petir Garda Bhwana

Minggu, 24 Desember 2023 19:02 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Tempo English rounded the top 3 news on Sunday, December 24, 2023. Here are the highlights: Jokowi's Role in the Weakening of KPK, The Risk in All Mineral Downstreaming Policy, and UN Urges More Gaza Aid, Saying Israel Creating Distribution 'Obstacles'.

The following is the list of the top 3 news on Tempo English today:

1. Jokowi's Role in the Weakening of KPK

President Jokowi and former KPK Chief Agus Rahardjo are trading denials relating to the handling of the electronic ID card corruption case. This is proof of the weakening of the KPK.

WHEN it comes to weakening the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), President Joko Widodo is an expert. The government and the House of Representatives (DPR) repeatedly tried to revise the KPK Law from 2010, and finally at the end of the President’s first term, these efforts succeeded. After only two weeks of deliberation, the revision to Law No. 30/2002 was passed by the DPR on September 29, 2019, in the face of widespread public opposition.

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2. The Risk in All Mineral Downstreaming Policy

Delays to the construction of the Freeport smelter are a reflection of the problems with the mineral downstreaming policy. The state could lose money.

The series of problems with the Freeport Indonesia smelter should be a starting point for President Joko Widodo to reevaluate the mineral downstreaming policy. Instead of adding value, the policy of building smelters for all kind of minerals could result in losses to the state.

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3. UN Urges More Gaza Aid, Saying Israel Creating Distribution 'Obstacles'

The U.N. Security Council called on Saturday, Dec. 23, to boost humanitarian assistance for Gaza, but the U.N. chief said the way Israel was conducting its military operation was creating "massive obstacles" to aid distribution inside the battered enclave.

After days of wrangling to avert a threatened U.S. veto, the Security Council on Friday passed a resolution urging steps to allow “safe, unhindered, and expanded humanitarian access” to Gaza and “conditions for a sustainable cessation” of fighting.

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