3 Signs of High Blood Sugar or Hyperglycemia




Laila Afifa

Sabtu, 10 Desember 2022 12:11 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Hyperglycemia or high blood sugar is a condition where the sugar level in the body grows. Generally, this condition is experienced by people with diabetes but most people do not realize it in the early stage when suffering from hyperglycemia. This condition will get worse and more serious if left untreated.

Sugar levels in the body can be checked with a blood sugar test. It can also be monitored from the symptoms that appear and are experienced by the body.

Symptoms of hyperglycemia in people with diabetes tend to develop slowly over days or weeks. However, in some cases, there may be no symptoms until the blood sugar level is very high. The following are signs of the body experiencing high blood sugar levels or hyperglycemia:

1. Severe thirst and hunger

One of the symptoms of high blood sugar levels is increased thirst and hunger. According to the information from Eat This, the feeling of frequent thirst is due to the increased sugar content in the body's tissues. The body draws fluids from tissues to thin the blood and counter high glucose. This causes the body to become easily dehydrated and is associated with frequent urination.

People who experience high blood sugar will also easily feel hungry. This is because the muscles do not receive enough energy from food due to insulin resistance which prevents glucose from entering the muscles and providing energy.

2. Frequent urination and sweet aroma in urine

The next symptom of high sugar levels in the body is urine that has a sweet smell. According to everydayhealth.com, a body that has high blood sugar levels causes more glucose in the urinary tract. Generally, the amount of sugar that leaves the body through urine is undetectable. Blood sugar levels are high enough to cause sugar to begin to leave the bloodstream through the kidneys and enter the urine.

3. Easily tired

High sugar in the body causes blood not to circulate efficiently. Quoted from nhsinform.scot, this prevents the body's cells from getting enough oxygen and nutrients which interferes with their performance. In addition, high blood sugar levels cause inflammatory cells called monocytes to enter the brain, which results in the body becoming tired easily.

Naomy A. Nugraheni | Imaji Lasahido

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