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The Reasons of Why People Adore Horror Movies, and Its Benefits


1 July 2024 07:29 WIB

Illustration of a woman watching a horror movie. (Photo: Shutterstock)

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Horror movies often present tense and scary scenes, with the main aim of giving the audience a sensation of fear.

Even though it is scary, this movie genre has many fans and often dominates the box office, especially around Halloween.

However, what makes people willing to spend their time experiencing fear?

One of the main reasons people enjoy horror movies is to feel the sensation of stimulation they produce. Scary scenes in horror movies can stimulate the body's reactions both mentally and physically. The negative reactions that arise can be in the form of fear and anxiety, but often these reactions are also accompanied by feelings of excitement. Watching a horror movie activates both of these responses simultaneously, creating a unique experience.

Apart from that, biochemical changes in the body also occur when watching horror movies. Fear can trigger the release of adrenaline, which in turn produces a sensation of increased energy and feeling more alive. Even though horror movies are fictional, watching them can trigger very real responses in the body. Krista Jordan, a clinical psychologist in Austin, explains that the human brain cannot always differentiate between fantasy and reality effectively.

Quoted from Very Well Mind, one of the psychological theories that explains this phenomenon is the 'excitation transfer theory' by Dolf Zillmann. This theory states that horror movies can stimulate increased levels of physiological arousal due to the fear they produce. When the level of fear reaches its peak, the arousal then increases the audience's feelings of relief and satisfaction, ultimately resulting in euphoria.

When watching horror movies, the brain often forgets that what it is seeing is just a fabrication. The body responds with physiological reactions such as fear, activating the “fight or flight” response, which causes the brain to produce adrenaline and creates a feeling of euphoria.

Other studies show that one of the reasons people enjoy horror movies is because they can satisfy curiosity about the dark side of humans. In real life, we rarely meet evil and cruel individuals like those often depicted in horror movies.

Besides all those things mentioned above, here are the known benefits of watching horror movies:

5 Benefits of Watching Horror Movies

1. Stimulates Brain Activity

Scary scenes in horror movies can increase adrenaline levels and release neurotransmitters in the brain. When watching a movie, people will often analyze each scene that occurs on screen, try to find possible solutions, and think about what reaction they would take in a similar situation. This stimulates the brain to think more actively and creatively.

2. Burn Calories

Watching horror movies can also help burn calories. Based on a study from the University of Westminster, watching horror movies can burn as many calories as those burned during a weight lifting or exercise session. Increased heart rate and adrenaline flow when watching tense scenes can increase calorie burning.

3. Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Watching horror movies also has the benefit of refreshing the mind and reducing stress and anxiety. The fear that results from watching a horror movie can significantly improve your mood and make your body feel happier. Therefore, watching horror movies can be an effective way to relieve stress.

4. Recognize the Level of Fear

Horror movies can help someone recognize their level of courage. Quoting Healthline, watching horror movies can help someone find out how much fear they can tolerate. Apart from that, for some people, facing and defeating fear can also provide a sense of pride and satisfaction.

5. Improves the body's immune system

When watching a horror movie, the body experiences an increased flow of adrenaline, which has an impact on the immune system. Every time you watch a horror movie, blood circulation and the number of white blood cells in the body increase, which in turn can improve the immune system.


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