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Communication and Informatics Minister Budi Arie Setiadi: The Press Cannot Be Stifled




Laila Afifa

1 June 2024 13:12 WIB

TEMPO.CO, JakartaCommunication and Informatics Minister Budi Arie Setiadi talks about the polemic over the planned revision of the Broadcasting Law and the Starlink Internet service.

COMMUNICATION and Informatics Minister Budi Arie Setiadi was recently bombarded with a barrage of short messages shortly after the news of the proposed revision of the Broadcasting Law surfaced. The messages were from his former journalist colleagues, broadcasting industry players, as well as his cabinet colleagues, including State Secretariat Minister Pratikno. They raised questions about the draft revision that caused a stir because it banned the broadcasting of investigative journalism content.

To his colleagues, Budi said he had no knowledge of the content of the draft adding that the House of Representatives (DPR) had never invited him to the meetings nor sent a copy of the draft to his ministry. “The concept of the revision has been making the rounds on social media, but possibly it’s a hoax,” he said during a special interview with Tempo. Budi assured that the government would not suppress press freedom with the revision.

On the day Budi and Tempo met, the former Deputy Minister for Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration had just returned from the World Water Forum 2024 held in Nusa Dua, Bali. During a series of events there, he met with SpaceX founder, Elon Musk, who was in Bali to inaugurate his satellite-based Internet service, Starlink, in several community health centers. Photos of Elon, flanked by Budi and several other ministers, namely, Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin, Home Affairs Minister Tito Karnavian and Tourism Minister Sandiago Uno, on the sidelines of the World Water Forum later went viral.

Budi recalled that the ministers wanted to have a photo with Musk because they respected his business ingenuity. Musk, Budi said, always built businesses that created technological disruptions, such as Tesla electric cars, SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket and the Starlink Internet service. “He sells ideas,” he said.

Budi received Tempo journalists, Raymundus Rikang, Sunudyantoro, Francisca Christy Rosana and Yosea Arga Pramudita at the Communication Minister’s official residence in South Jakarta, Thursday, May 23. The interview occasionally stopped when news of online gambling eradication activities featuring Budi appeared on the TV screen in the living room. Budi has been tasked with handling prevention in the task force working to eradicate online gambling. “Perhaps only bookies wouldn’t want me to be the minister again,” said the General Chair of Projo, a pro-Joko Widodo and Prabowo Subianto volunteer group.

Why is investigative journalism banned in the Broadcasting Law revision draft?

The government has not received the official draft. We haven’t received any official documents but are being asked to comment on something that doesn’t exist. The government’s position is to continue to protect press freedom and the public’s freedom of expression. That’s the bottom line for our media and broadcasting industries. We must not let the revision become a new way to silence the press.

Can the government’s commitment be trusted?

That’s the ideal. Since my youth, as an activist, I’ve always dreamed of living a democratic life. It means people should be able to express opinions and convey their aspirations and criticism. Our press cannot be restricted.

Are you speaking as a government official or a former journalist?

This isn’t about me being a former journalist. Our democratic space must be healthy. Don’t let the quality of our journalism fall. If the press makes mistakes in reporting, people will not read it. The public will judge (the media).

Hasn’t the DPR communicated with you yet?

I called the Chair of Commission I, Ibu Meutya Hafid, after the uproar. She said the revision was the DPR’s initiative. The law is 22 years old and needs amendments to adapt to developments. What’s important is to maintain the spirit of protecting press freedom and freedom of speech.

What is President Jokowi’s position?

The President must support press freedom and the people’s freedom of speech. There is no other stance because we guarantee press freedom.

If he supports the press, why didn’t Jokowi take a stance on this polemic?

Even the Communication Ministry has not said to stop or proceed because we have not received the draft revision. So, it’s funny if we ask to stop the process when the draft isn’t even in our hands. The draft revision hasn’t reached me or the President.

At least Jokowi should issue a public statement to guarantee press freedom.

Pak Jokowi has already said it on the National Press Day. Indonesia is a democratic country and the government is committed to guard democracy.

What is the instruction from the Palace following the Broadcasting Law controversy?

I’ve had communication with State Secretariat Minister Pratikno. We discussed the government’s position. In essence, we will continue to protect press freedom and the people’s freedom of speech. Do we want to drop this (revision draft)? Well, we can’t because it isn’t an official proposal yet. The government will take a stance when it is officially proposed.

We heard that the investigative journalism ban would target media that persistently investigate government scandals, including the Palace’s political maneuvers. What is your explanation?

Quality journalism requires investigation. There’s no good journalism without investigation. That’s nonsense. But investigative reporting, of course, must meet standards, that is, to cover both sides, research, and verify. In a democratic state, the people will be the ones to punish the media that don’t follow investigative journalism principles.

Other information says that the revision is being prepared for the new government which many fear will weaken democracy. What is your response?

No. That’s part of framing. Prabowo Subianto is portrayed as anti-criticism. He was elected by 58 percent of the people. What more insults are there for him? But Prabowo just laughed and danced.

Read the Full Interview in Tempo English Magazine

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