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Muhaimin Iskandar on PKB Becoming Opposition or Coalition with Prabowo's Government




Laila Afifa

18 May 2024 13:07 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The National Awakening Party (PKB) is at a crossroads after the Constitutional Court rejected their petition to investigate alleged fraud in the 2024 presidential election. The party led by Muhaimin Iskandar is now faced with the choice of either forming a coalition with the President-elect, Prabowo Subianto, or remaining outside the government as an opposition party.

Muhaimin acknowledged that he had discussions with Prabowo about PKB’s chance of joining the Indonesia Onward Coalition—an alliance of pro-Prabowo parties Prabowo’s invitation to form a coalition was conveyed when the Defense Minister visited the office of the PKB’s Central Executive Board in Central Jakarta on April 24. “There was an invitation, but it was very general in nature,” said Muhaimin.

On the other hand, some PKB cadres have aspirations for the party to stay outside the cabinet and become the opposition to Prabowo’s government. According to Cak Imin—a nickname for Muhaimin—cadres who desire PKB to be in opposition argue that the party needs to nurture around 40 million votes supporting Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin who seek change. “They also say they want to improve the government from the outside,” he said.

Muhaimin received Tempo at the official residence of the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR) in South Jakarta on Monday, May 6. During the conversation that lasted over two hours, the former Manpower and Transmigration Minister shared his notes about the 2024 General Elections, his planned collaboration with Anies, and his relationship with Nahdlatul Ulama’s Central Executive Board.

So the PKB has not decided if it will or will not join Prabowo’s government?

There is still serious debate within the PKB about the party’s political direction. Some said that Prabowo Subianto’s visit to the PKB office was too early and perhaps disappointed our friends who had fought hard. However, Prabowo was our guest, and the party’s agenda could not stop because of the defeat. Besides, the General Election Commission (KPU) has ratified the results of the 2024 presidential election, so we must give the elected candidate the opportunity to lead the government transition.. 

How intense are the differences of opinion within PKB?

There are two camps: those who want to be in opposition and those who don’t want to sit outside the cabinet. The debate has not been concluded. Voices from the camp that wants to be the opposition say they want to improve the government from the outside. Meanwhile, those who disagree say that the battle of opposition groups in Indonesia has never been effective. 

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