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23 Terrorists Arriving in Jakarta, including Man involved in 2002 Bali Bombing

16 December 2020 12:18 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Twenty-three members of terrorists group Jamaah Islamiyah (JI) from Lampung will be arriving in Jakarta today, Dec. 16. Among them are Taufik Bulaga a.k.a. Upik Lawangan, as well as Zulkarnaen a.k.a. Arif Sunarso a.k.a. Daud, the man involved in the 2002 Bali bombing.

Indonesian Police Headquarters PR chief Insp. Gen. Argo Yuwono confirmed the report on Wednesday.

Upik Lawanga is a JI member who masterminded a number of bomb attacks in several places, such as the Tentena bomb, the Gor Poso bomb, the Central Market bomb and a series of other acts of terror in 2004-2006.

Meanwhile, Zukarnaen is a fugitive who was involved in the 2002 Bali Bombing. Zulkarnaen had been a trainer at a Military Academy in Afghanistan for seven years. Zulkarnaen is also suspected of being the man behind several riots in Ambon, Ternate, and Poso from 1998 and 2000.

Zulkarnaen also masterminded the bomb attack at the Philippine Ambassador's residence in Menteng in 1999. He also took part in the Christmas Eve and New Year's Day bombings in 2000 and 2001, the Marriot Bombing of 2003, the Australian Embassy Bombing in 2004, and the Bali Bombing of 2005.

Also Read: Densus 88 Arrests Bali Bombing Suspect in Lampung


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