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Governor Demands Compensation for Failed Crop



12 September 2008 13:31 WIB

TEMPO Interactive : Jambi Governor Zulkifli Nurdin demanded PT Sarana Harapan Indopangan to compensate farmers in Sriagung village for their losses after failed harvest.

Farmers in the village faced the same problem as farmers in Purworejo which grew a new strain of hybrid rice, the Supertoy HL-2, produced by the the company. As reported earlier farmers in Purworejo were angered by the failing harvest of the new rice strain.

Sarana Harapan Indopangan agreed with the local farmers to grow the rice in areas of 164 hectares and to split harvest at 75 per cent to 25 per cent in favour of the farmers. The company also provide fertilisers and other farming equipments according to the deal.

Jambi Regional Administration planned to call Sarana Harapan Indopangan to settle the matter.

Syaipul Bakhori

Farmers Angered by Failed Crops

4 September 2008

Farmers Angered by Failed Crops

Farmers in Grabag village, District of Purworejo in Central Java burned their rice plants after getting low yield on their crops.