Ukrainian Hackers Attack NATO Website



Jumat, 19 Oktober 2018 20:46 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Perevalnoye - Pro-Russia Ukrainian hackers took down NATO websites on Saturday and Sunday in what is believed to be a response to the alliance's stance against Russian activity in the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea. The activists used a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, which blasts chosen websites with so many requests that the site either crashes or moves too slowly to function.

NATO had posted messages on its site stating that it did not approve of Sunday's Crimea referendum. The vote in which 93% decided the Peninsula should become a part of Russia.

Russian troops entered Crimea at the beginning of March, and since then tensions between that nation and Western countries have escalated.

Russia believes its actions are protecting ethnic Russians in Crimea, an autonomous region of Ukraine, from supposed Ukrainian radicals that ousted former President Viktor Yanukovych. While Western nations, including the United States, believe the invasion and referendum are illegal.

A group of hacktivists called Cyber Berkut said the bombardment was carried out by Ukrainians upset by what they see as NATO meddling in their nation's affairs, according to a report from Reuters.

The group, which is known to support Yanukovych, who is pro-Russia, has been implicated in the disruption of several Ukrainian websites over the past few weeks.

Alliance spokesperson OanaLungescu said NATO's main site worked in fits and that it suffered no lasting damage.


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