From Bean to Bar: Here's Top 10 Cocoa-Producing Countries


Dewi Elvia Muthiariny


Petir Garda Bhwana

Selasa, 16 Juli 2024 12:13 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Cocoa is the key ingredient in chocolate, a beloved treat enjoyed by people worldwide. This sweet indulgence traces its roots back to the cacao tree, which has been cultivated for millennia.

These trees, native to Central America, produce cocoa beans. After drying and fermenting, these beans become the base for chocolate. But cocoa's uses extend beyond sweetness. The fatty component of the bean, cocoa butter, is extracted and used in various ways, even in cooking.

Nowadays, cocoa cultivation has spread across the globe, with some countries leading the pack in production. Reporting from various sources, here’s a list of the world’s top 10 cocoa-producing countries:

1. Ivory Coast (West Africa)

The reigning champion Ivory Coast boasts a whopping 2.2 million tons of cocoa beans in 2022, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). This country supplies major chocolate brands like Nestlé, Mars, and Hershey's.

2. Ghana (West Africa)

Another West African giant, Ghana produces a staggering 1.1 million tons of cocoa beans annually. The country is a major exporter, sending its beans to Europe, America, and Asia. Top destinations include the Netherlands, France, the United States, Malaysia, and Japan.

3. Indonesia (Southeast Asia)

Indonesia takes the third spot. This Southeast Asian nation produces 667,000 tons of cocoa beans in 2022, according to FAO. Many of it is exported to the United States, Malaysia, and Singapore. Around 95% of Indonesian cocoa production comes from small-scale farmers.

4. Ecuador (South America)

Ecuador held the top spot in the 1990s but currently sits at number four with a projected production of 337,000 tons in 2022. Shifts in global markets and plant diseases have impacted their production, but their cocoa remains highly valued.

5. Cameroon (Central Africa)

Cameroon secures the fifth spot, producing 300,000 tons of cocoa beans in 2022. Their cocoa exports are worth a whopping US$450 million, with the Netherlands, Malaysia, and Singapore being key destinations.

6. Nigeria (West Africa)

Based on data from, Nigeria produces 280,000 tons of cocoa beans in 2022.

7. Brazil (South America)

Brazil managed to produce 273,873 tons of cocoa beans, according to

8. Peru (South America)

Peru takes the eighth position with 171,177 tons of cocoa bean production, adding its distinct flavor profile to the international mix.

9. Dominican Republic (Caribbean)

The Dominican Republic comes in ninth with a contribution of 75,900 tons of cocoa beans in 2022.

10. Colombia (South America)

Rounding out the list, Colombia produced 62,158 tons of cocoa beans in 2022, showcasing the diverse geographical origins of this beloved ingredient.

From West Africa's powerhouses to Southeast Asia's stars, this list showcases the diverse range of countries contributing to the global love of chocolate.


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