Brain Cipher Vows to Release PDNS Decryption Keys for Free, Expert: 'Don't Be Easily Fooled'


Najla Nur Fauziyah


Laila Afifa

Selasa, 2 Juli 2024 21:54 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Brain Cipher group, which hacked the Indonesian Temporary National Data Center (PDNS) with LockBit 3.0 type ransomware announced on Tuesday that it would open the encrypted data for free. The announcement was uploaded to the group’s website and reposted on social media X.

"Ransomware gang Brain Cipher announced they'll release decryption keys for free this Wednesday. They emphasized the need for cybersecurity funding and specialists. Apologies to Indonesia for the disruption. They request public acknowledgment of their decision," tweeted the X account @stealthmole_int as quoted by Tempo today. The tweet also included a screenshot containing Brain Cipher's official statement regarding the reason for providing the decryption key for free to restore access to PDNS.

Brain Cipher advised the Indonesian government to consider the ransomware attack a lesson on the importance of financing the cybersecurity industry and recruiting qualified specialists.

"Our attack did not carry a political context, only a pentest (penetration test) with post-payment. Citizens of Indonesian, we apologize for the fact that it affected everyone," said Brain Cipher, quoted from a screenshot of its website circulating on social media.

The group emphasized that the decision to provide key access to open the PDNS was based on its own initiative without anyone's influence. They also indicated that the government should thank them. "We left the monero (cryptocurrency) wallet for donations. We hope that by Wednesday we will get something. And we repeat again: we will give the keys absolutely free of charge and on our own initiative," said Brain Cipher.

Cyber Security and Digital Forensic Expert, Alfons Tanujaya, has confirmed the authenticity of the upload. "We have checked that Brain Chiper issued a statement on its website which can be accessed via the Tor browser. The group also said it would provide a decryption key that could be used to encrypt PDNS," said Alfons when contacted by Tempo on Tuesday, July 2, 2024.

Despite verifying its authenticity, Alfons still doubts the veracity of the information conveyed by Brain Cipher, as the upload didn’t include an exact schedule for when the decryption key will be released.

"Just be careful, don't be easily fooled by false promises either. The group only said Wednesday and did not specify which Wednesday," said Alfons.


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