10 Indonesian Provinces with Highest Poverty Rate; East Java Takes Lead


Dewi Elvia Muthiariny


Petir Garda Bhwana

Selasa, 2 Juli 2024 08:00 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Statistics Indonesia (BPS) has recently released the latest data on the country’s poverty rate as of March 2024, revealing a decrease of 0.33 percent to 9.03 percent, which amounts to 25.22 million people compared to the previous year.

“It decreased by 0.68 million people. After rising during the pandemic, the poverty rate has continued to decline since March 2021. The poverty rate in March 2024 is lower than that before the pandemic,” BPS Acting Secretary Imam Machdi said in a press conference broadcast on the agency’s YouTube channel on Monday, July 1.

He explained that the decline in the poverty rate in rural areas was greater than in urban areas, although their poverty rate remains higher at 11.79 percent compared to 7.09 percent in urban areas.

“Compared to the figure in March 2023, there was a decrease in the rural poverty rate by 0.43 percentage points, while in urban areas it decreased by 0.20 percentage points. The poverty rate in rural areas is lower than before the pandemic,” Imam added.

Moreover, Imam reported that the poverty rate is still concentrated in Java and Sumatra. Bali and Nusa Tenggara saw the most significant decrease by 0.57 percent, from 13.29 percent to 12.72 percent.

Nationally, Imam reported that 20 provinces have poverty rates exceeding the national average, while the remaining 18 fall below. In detail, Java has 13.24 million poor people (52.49 percent), Sumatra has 5.55 million poor people (22.01 percent), Bali and Nusa Tenggara have 2.02 million poor people (5.01 percent), Sulawesi has 1.96 million poor people (7.77 percent), Maluku and Papua have 1.51 million poor people (5.99 percent), and Kalimantan has 940,000 poor people (3.73 percent).

10 Indonesian Provinces with Highest Poverty Rate

Here is the list of 10 provinces with the largest number of poor people as of March 2024, according to the BPS:

1. East Java: 3,982,690 (9.79 percent).

2. West Java: 3,848,670 (7.46 percent).

3. Central Java: 3,704,330 (10.47 percent).

4. North Sumatra: 1,228,010 (7.99 percent).

5. East Nusa Tenggara: 1,127,570 (19.48 percent).

6. South Sumatra: 984,240 (10.97 percent).

7. Lampung: 941,230 (10.69 percent).

8. Aceh: 804,530 (14.23 percent).

9. Banten: 791,610 (5.84 percent).

10. South Sulawesi: 736,480 (8.06 percent).

In addition, here is an extended list:

11. West Nusa Tenggara: 709,010 (12.91 percent).

12. Riau: 492,250 (6.67 percent).

13. Jakarta: 464,930 (4.3 percent).

14. Yogyakarta: 445,550 (10.83 percent).

15. Central Sulawesi: 379,760 (11.77 percent).

16. Papua Pegunungan: 365,430 (32.97 percent).

17. West Sumatra: 345,730 (5.97 percent).

18. West Kalimantan: 336,080 (6.32 percent).

19. Southeast Sulawesi: 319,710 (11.21 percent).

20. Central Papua: 308,480 (29.76 percent).


Editor’s Choice: BPS: Over 25.22 million Indonesians Live in Poverty

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