DPR Assures Military Bill Won't Reinstate New Order Duality


Dewi Elvia Muthiariny


Laila Afifa

Rabu, 29 Mei 2024 21:17 WIB

Indonesian President Joko Widodo, accompanied by the Military Chief Yudo Margono, stands on a tank while inspecting the troops during the 78th Indonesian Military Anniversary ceremony at the National Monument (Monas) complex in Jakarta, Indonesia, October 5, 2023. REUTERS/Willy Kurniawan

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Supratman Andi Agtas, chairman of the House of Representative’s Legislation Body (Baleg), stressed that the amendment of the Indonesian Military Law No. 34 of 2004 would not reinstate the dual function of the military as in the New Order era when soldiers or policemen were allowed to occupy positions in state institutions or ministries.

“[The bill] does not [revive the dual function]. The proof is that it has been working all along. What's the issue? Does it imply that the dual function will be restored? It’s not necessarily so,” Supratman said at the Parliament Complex in Senayan, Central Jakarta, on Wednesday, May 29.

He elaborated that some military officers have already held positions in ten state institutions and no issues rising related to the matter. “It's already running, and there are no problems,” he said.

While the military can assume such positions, it will be based on the need. The President, he went on, has the authority to determine positions in ministries or state institutions that require military personnel.

“So it will surely be adjusted to the tasks required by the president,” Supratman remarked.

The Indonesian Military bill, which was approved as the DPR’s initiative proposal during the plenary session on Tuesday, May 28, creates opportunities for active soldiers to fill positions in all ministries and institutions under the President's policy. This, however, contradicts one of the fundamental ideas of the Reform Era, which was to exclude the military from sociopolitical life.


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