TEMPO.CO, Paris - On the sidelines of the Global Landscape Forum (GLF) held in Paris, France, the Environment and Forestry Ministry launched the Indonesian National Accounting Carbon System (INCAS) aimed at watching carbon emissions resulted from land utilizations and conversions.
The launch of the carbon accounting system was led by Presidential Special Emissary for Climate Change Rachmat Witoelar with Australian Environment Minister Greg Hunt and CIFOR General Director Peter Holmgren.
Witoelar in his speech said that the carbon accounting emission would be based and data provided by the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) to help Indonesia achieving emission reduction target by 29 percent by 2030.
“We’re committed reduce emission to 29 percent [emission reduction] target, and this system will be very helpful,” Witoelar added.
Witoelar also expressed his appreciation to CIFOR and the Australian Aid for supporting the Indonesian Environment and Forestry Ministry to complete the system. INCAS, Witoelar added, was a unit under the Ministry’s Research, Development and Innovation Agency.
Mr. Hunt said that the INCAS researcher team had put their best efforts and hard works to build the publicly accessible system.
“This is a huge progress in the carbon emission accounting system, and Indonesia as a home of the largest tropical forest and mangrove forest needs this technology,” he said.
INCAS lead researcher Haruni Krisnawati explained that INCAS is a carbon emission accounting system that had been tested by experts and met the Transparency, Accountability, Consistency, Completeness and Comparable (TACCC) criteria.
“We started to develop this system in 2011 with the latest data of forest and land covers in 2012. So, the information will not be related to overall carbon emission, but only those of forest and land,” she added.
Haruni revealed that INCAS would be able to be accessed by public at www.incas-indonesia.org. In addition to data of carbon emission, Haruni added, INCAS could be used to measure forest and land carbon stocks in Indonesia, including in peat lands and mangrove forests.