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Frozen Virus Reactivated



19 October 2018 20:53 WIB

Pandoravirus Salinus

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - A dead virus was reactivated, after spending the last 30,000 years buried in permafrost layer at northeast of Siberia. The virus, however, is not a real threat for mankind.

Live Science reported the virus is larger than any other viruses. It infects only amoeba and other single-cell microscopic organism.

The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Journal mentioned the virus was discovered 10 years ago in Siberia. Bio-informatic scientist Jean-Michel Claverie from Aix-Marseille University conducted a research upon it, ending up in 'ressurecting' the virus.

Other scientists, however, stated their concern that the now-active can infect human and spread plague. They also assumed that global warming might help trigger such activation process, releasing a number of long-dead viruses.


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Elon Musk's SpaceX Sends World's Most Powerful Rocket

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Julian Assange Arrested in London After 7-year Refuge in Embassy

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Photo of Black Hole Released in Astrophysics Breakthrough

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