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9 Nutrients that Reduce Exhaustion and Fatigue



25 August 2017 13:54 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Exhaustion and fatigue affects many people today, especially women who are busy working, taking care of children, completing tasks, and even with efforts for their social life.

To reduce fatigue, the body requires adequate nutrition. Fulfillment of these nutrients can be obtained from the daily diet. According to Female First, the body can reduce fatigue with the fulfillment of nutrients in the body.

Here are 9 lists of nutrients the body needs as well as any food sources that contain these nutrients.

1. Folate (folic acid - vitamin B9)

Folate is needed to metabolize proteins in food and produce amino acids used to build new tissues. Folate content can be found in green vegetables. To achieve maximum folate, do not boil vegetables because folate can dissolve in water. Apart from green vegetables such as spinach, kale and broccoli, folate can be found in cereals, nuts, and oranges.

2. Iron

Iron is an important part of hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body. Iron deficiency can cause anemia, which makes you feel weak and even experience shortness of breath.

Iron can be obtained from red meat or from beef liver. Iron can also be found in plant foods like beans such as peas and lentils. It can also be found in shellfish, eggs, whole grain bread, green vegetables, whole grains, and whole grain breakfast cereals.

3. Magnesium

Magnesium is very important to optimize the absorption of nutrients from each food. Wheat bread is one of the best sources of magnesium. Magnesium is also found in dark green vegetables, nuts, fish, seafood, milk and meat.

4. Niacin (vitamin B3)

Niacin is very important for digestion and good for healthy skin. The best source of niacin is found in turkey and peanuts. It can also be found on foods that are very easy to process, namely potatoes. Niacin is found in meat, fish, milk, fortified cereals, whole grains, green vegetables, beans, yeast, and yeast extract.

5. Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5)

Pantothenic acid plays a major role in helping the body release energy from food. This really helps you add a level of fitness that can be found in most vegetables and meat. Pantothenic acid is present in meat, fish, beans, whole grains, and cereals.

6. Riboflavin (vitamin B2)

Riboflavin helps the body absorb energy from food, and helps the nervous system and heart function normally. The main sources of riboflavin include eggs and milk. Riboflavin will be damaged if exposed to sunlight, so do not let the eggs be exposed to sunlight immediately. It is advised to store them in a dark pantry or refrigerator. Riboflavin sources include milk, meat, fish, fortified cereals, grains, green vegetables, and nuts.

7. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6)

This nutrition can help maintain a healthy heart. Beans are one of the many foods with the highest content of B6. Adding beans to the salad is one of the best tips to make your body's B6 needs fulfilled.

8. Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is very important to process protein in the body. Vitamin B12 content can also enrich red blood cells and DNA, and to maintain a healthy nervous system. Vitamin B12 is found only naturally in animal products, such as salmon and trout. For vegans, it can be obtained from wheat or from dietary supplements.

9. Vitamin C

In addition to reducing fatigue, vitamin C is often regarded as the “superhero”, as it is essential for a healthy immune and nervous system. Vitamin C in the body also nourishes bones, teeth and helps absorb iron. Oranges are known to be the main source of vitamin C. But vitamin C can also be found in many other non-citrus fruits, including berries like strawberries.


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