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Genius Boy Has IQ of Einstein



19 October 2018 21:33 WIB

Sherwyn Sarabi, 4-year-old boy of Barnsley, South Yorkshire, became the most genius boy in the world. He has an IQ of 160, the highest number in the scale of the Wechsler Scale. His IQ is the same as Albert Einstein, Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking.

TEMPO.CO, Yorkshire - Sherwyn Sarabi, a 4-year-old British boy from Yorkshire becomes the world's most genius for having IQ of 160. He has the same IQ as Albert Einstein, Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking.

The psychologist who tested Sherwyn said his score, the highest possible on the Wechsler Scale, showed he has a 'very superior level of intelligence'.

"Sherwyn has a very superior level of intelligence; he is incredibly gifted and his vocabulary is out of this world," said Educational psychologist Dr. Peter Congdon as quoted by Daily Mail.

Sherwyn spoke his first words at ten months, was talking in full sentences at 20 months, and has been 'wow-ing' his parents, teachers and doctors ever since. And while other children have yet to start school, Sherwyn has learned materials for 8-year-old children. He is now attending school in Rastrick Independent School, Huddersfield.

Sherwyn, an only child, has read more than 940 books and, according to his mother, his favorite is the encyclopedia as he loves learning new things.

"He is a very happy healthy child and loves to talk. He questions everything and I have been doing my best to answer his questions to the best of my knowledge," said Sherwyn’s mother, Amanda Sarabi.



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