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5 Benefits of Ginger Shot; Boost Energy and Metabolism

3 September 2024 17:57 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The benefits of ginger shots are a widely recognized topic these days due to the wellness trend popularized by the Hollywood industry. Many people of all backgrounds are adopting the trend religiously as they notice how this dietary spice positively affects the body. 

Ginger shots will boost your immune system and the after effects are positive. This article explores the benefits of the ginger shot as cited by the Cleveland Clinic and British Vogue.  

Benefits of Ginger Shot

1. Boost Immune System 

A major benefit of ginger shot is boosting the immune system as ginger is rich in magnesium, vitamins B6 and C, zinc, and iron, as well as antioxidants. These are the perfect combination that helps support the immune system when consumed regularly. 

While ginger does contain vitamin C, the amount found is not sufficient. Lemon juice is sometimes added to ginger shots to boost their vitamin C levels.

2. Lower Blood Sugar 

Lowering blood sugar is another important benefit of ginger shots. According to the Cleveland Clinic, ginger helps stabilize insulin by aiding the uptake of glucose into cells. This process leads to an increase in insulin. 

People with type 2 diabetes consume ginger shots to control their insulin production. Taking ginger shots regularly also helps maintain consistent energy levels by helping to keep blood sugar levels stable.

3. Help with Weight Loss 

Citing a study from PubMed Central, ginger consists of compounds such as zingerone and shogaols, which can be beneficial in the weight loss journey. Studies have also shown that ginger can reduce hunger by increasing the number of calories burned during digestion. 

Another study, reviewed by PubMed Central in 2015, had women with obesity take two tablets of powdered ginger per day for 12 weeks. Each tablet contained 1 gram. The result showed that there was a significant decrease in appetite. 

However, Medical News Today reported that the effect may be different in each person, depending on a particular set of genes. 

4. Reduce Cholesterol 

PubMed Central posed 12 study phases on the benefit of ginger in reducing cholesterol. The researchers found that low doses of ginger less than 2 grams per day had a good effect on lowering both LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. 

People with high cholesterol may add ginger as a supplement to help with their health conditions. 

5. Help with Digestion 

Another noticeable benefit of ginger shot is aiding digestion by speeding up the absorption of food through the GI tract. This process protects the gut microbiome and helps ease nausea as well as reduce bloating and gas. According to the Cleveland Clinic, ginger shots may even help with morning sickness by reducing nausea and vomiting. 

Certain compounds found in ginger, such as anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties, promote long-term pain relief. 

These benefits of ginger shots can only be effective with regular use. People with the above-mentioned health conditions are encouraged to include ginger shots in their diet. 

Cleveland Clinic | Medical News Today | Vogue

Editor's Choice: 5 Health Benefits of Drinking Ginger Water in the Morning

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