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Jakarta Police Confiscate 45 kg of Crystal Meth Worth Rp45bn at Fatmawati Hospital


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Laila Afifa

5 July 2024 06:00 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Investigation Directorate has confiscated 45 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine with an estimated value of around Rp45 billion. The crystal meth was divided into 45 packages, each weighing about one kilogram.

"Around Rp45 billion," said the Director of Narcotics Research at the Jakarta Metro Police, Senior Commissioner Donald Parlaungan Simanjuntak, on Thursday, July 4, 2024.

According to Donald, the 45 packages of crystal meth were brought by a courier with the initials AS (22 years old). The courier was arrested in the parking lot of Fatmawati Hospital in South Jakarta. "The location of the arrest is in the parking lot of Fatmawati Hospital, South Jakarta," he said.

Donald said that based on the courier's preliminary confession, it was suspected that the illegal drug to be sold in Jakarta came from Palembang. He said the police investigated further and obtained additional evidence in the South Tangerang area.

"The team monitored the area around the crime scene, and at that time it was also found that there was a suspicious person in the car. After that, a member was checked who, according to the team, was highly suspected of carrying out a drug transaction," he said.

Police also arrested a courier and confiscated a car. "There is only one person at the moment. And a vehicle has also been secured," he said.

Editor's Choice: Aceh Police Seize 180 Kilograms of Meth from Malaysian-Indonesian Network

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