3 Benefits of Swimming in Cold Water to Relieve Depression



Kamis, 1 Januari 1970 07:00 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - According to the research published by the British Medical Journal Case Reports, swimming in cold water can be an effective treatment for depression.

Here are the results of the research on how swimming in cold water can relieve depression:

1. Cold water activates the stress response in the body

Swimming in cold water will generate a stress response that is a series of physiological and hormonal reactions that can manage various types of potential threats.

When you swim in cold water, there is an increase in blood pressure, the rate of breathing and stress hormones are released. But, if you only stay in cold water several times at a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius or less, the stress response will decrease.

2. Cold water activates brain response

Swimming in cold water as a shock therapy will trigger beta-endorphins and noradrenaline in the brain. The cold-water shock is very similar to electric shock therapy in many ways.

A large number of electrical impulses move from the nerve endings of the skin to reach the brain. They jerk your brain system to increase energy, clarity, and alertness. This reaction provides a beneficial effect to treat depression.

3. Bathing in cold water can treat excessive anxiety

Osaka University researchers found that bathing with cold water has a positive effect in reducing the cortisol hormone, a stress hormone that appears when tension and anxiety come. Cold water will make blood vessels tighten where it can increase blood circulation from the body’s surface to the core of the body to save heat.

When blood flows to the brain and vital organs in the body, there is circulation of oxygen that helps to detoxify, it makes you feel relaxed and energized.

Here are the tips before you start swimming in cold water, as reported by Boldsky.com:

1. If you suffer from migraines and have heart problems, ask your
doctor first before you start swimming in cold water.

2. Make sure that the water temperature is between 15 to 20 degrees Celsius.

3. Start swimming in shallow water and gradually steps into the deeper part.

4. Stay in the water for two to three minutes until you feel warm and
or there has been a shock response from the cold water.


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