Goenawan Mohammad: Tempo is the work of an organization



Kamis, 1 Januari 1970 07:00 WIB

Goenawan Mohamad deliver his speech in Tempo's 45th anniversary event in Jakarta, Monday, March 7, 2016. TEMPO/Rully Kesuma

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The name of Goenawan Mohamad has always been associated with Tempo. Tempo's presence in Indonesia is indeed inseparable from Goenawan, who together with his friends, become the first few who struggle to make the magazine a high-quality read for the public.

"Now I often hear people say 'Tempo has good contents'," Goenawan said during a speech in Tempo’s 45th anniversary event on Monday, March 7, 2016. "But what we need to remember is that the good Tempo, came from the work of an organization," Goenawan added.

Goenawan explained that 'the work of an organization' could include a transparent evaluation process and regular workflow. Goenawan admitted that conflicts caused by having different opinions, and occasional mistakes is inevitable. "What's important is there has to be a way to manage the conflict," Goenawan said.

Goenawan added that everyone could express their criticism, which in turn will improve the quality of Tempo's products.


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