Nine Traditional Spas of Indonesia



Jumat, 19 Oktober 2018 19:55 WIB


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Indonesia owns the richness of traditional spa originated from nine regions in the country. The spa includes martub and oukup (North Sumatra), tangas (Betawi), batangeh (Minang), so’oso (Madura), lulur (Java), Bali spa (Bali), telu sulapa epa (Bugis), and bakera (Minahasa).

These nine traditional spas are currently explored by spa industry as well as the government, in a hope that they will be widely known as Thai Massage, Shiatsu, or Ayurveda.

"Local cultures are surfaced by the government to [be known by] the international world," said Yoyoh, owner of Samara Spa, Monday, June 23.

"Every region has its own massage and aromatherapy. Mostly using similar base ingredient, which is betel leaf," Yoyoh continued.

Spa (soluse per aqua) is a technique of relaxation and wellness treatment using water as a mean. There are two categories of spa: health spa and medical spa. Health spa focuses on wellness and beauty treatment while medical spa is oriented to healing and is usually practiced on medical clinic or hospitals.

Indonesian spa is considered as one of the best in the world. No wonder, spa tourism is one of flagship potentials owned by the country.

According to Lourda H. Budi Dharma, the Chairman of Indonesia Wellness Master Association (IWMA) and the owner of Gaya Spa, spa traditions are needed to be preserved and developed. With the richness of herbs, history, and culture, Indonesia will become a popular spa destination in Asia Pacific.


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