7 Arab Countries Capable of Surpassing Israel's Military Might




Petir Garda Bhwana

Minggu, 9 Juni 2024 21:10 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Israeli and Palestinian conflict that broke out on October 7, 2023 has the potential to trigger tensions with other Arab countries, including Egypt. Recently, relations between Egypt and Israel became increasingly heated due to the death of an Egyptian soldier in a shootout near the Rafah crossing. This incident exacerbated tensions that have existed since the start of the war in the Gaza Strip.

Israel itself is said to be a country with one of the largest military powers in the world. According to Global Firepower, currently Israel's military strength is in 17th position out of 145 countries. Even though Israel has military superiority, there are several Arab countries that also have the potential to defeat Israel in a war.

Arab Countries That Can Beat Israel in War

So which Arab countries that have the potential to defeat Israel in a war? Here they are:

1. Egypt

Egypt is an Arab country with the strongest military power in the region. Its military strength even surpasses that of Israel, which is ranked 15th. This country is said to allocate funds for the national defense system of up to US$ 4.3 billion or the equivalent of Rp68.2 trillion per year. Egypt's armed forces have more than 1.2 million personnel, supported by a powerful air force with more than 1,000 combat aircraft. The army's weapons are also strong, having more than 5,000 tanks.

2. Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is an Arab country that has a fairly large defense budget of US$71.7 billion per year. Not surprisingly, Saudi Arabia's military strength is ranked 23rd out of 145 countries. Its armed forces consist of approximately 407,000 personnel, with an air force equipped with modern combat aircraft. In addition, the army has a tank fleet of 1,485. The Saudi navy is also growing rapidly, having 7 frigates and 4 corvettes.

3. Algeria

Even though it is on the African continent, Algeria is an Arab country with quite large military strength and is ranked 26th. Algeria has an armed force of around 610,000 personnel. With a budget of US$21.6 billion per year, the country has a powerful army, with thousands of tanks, artillery pieces and armored fighting vehicles. The air force is equipped with 605 fighter aircraft. For its navy, Algeria has assets in the form of 24 warships, 6 submarines and 75 patrol boats.

4. Iraq

Currently, Iraq has allocated defense funds of US$5.2 billion and its military strength is ranked 45th. The total Iraqi armed forces are estimated at 293,000 personnel. This country's defense equipment is also complete, such as armored fighting vehicles, artillery and tanks for the army. Meanwhile, the air force is equipped with fighter aircraft, attack helicopters and reconnaissance aircraft. Even though its navy is smaller, Iraq continues to strengthen its maritime defense with 39 patrol boats and 4 small warships.

5. United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Despite having a smaller population compared to Egypt and Saudi Arabia, the UAE has a very modern and well-trained armed force. This Arab country occupies the 51st position as the country with the largest military power and has 207,000 active military personnel. The air and ground forces are equipped with the latest generation of fighter aircraft and tanks. This country is recorded as having allocated US$15.5 billion in defense funds.

6. Syria

Before the protracted civil war, Syria had one of the largest military powers in the Middle East. Even though the Syrian armed forces can be said to be weakened due to internal conflict, this country has capable defense equipment ranging from 168 fighter jets, 57 attack aircraft, 67 training aircraft, to 2,720 armored vehicles. With a defense budget of US$1.44 billion, this country is ranked 60th out of 145 as the country with the strongest military power.

7. Morocco

Morocco's military strength ranks 61st out of 145 countries. With a defense budget allocation of US$12 billion, the Moroccan armed forces consist of around 395,800 personnel. The ground force is equipped with advanced equipment and strong logistical support such as armored fighting vehicles, artillery and tanks, while the air force is equipped with fighter planes and attack helicopters. The Moroccan navy is also greatly strengthened with modern frigates and patrol ships, and amphibious vessels.


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