Journalists Stage Protest in DPR, Reject Broadcasting Bill


Dewi Elvia Muthiariny


Laila Afifa

Senin, 27 Mei 2024 15:10 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Press organizations, student presses, and pro-democracy organizations took to the streets to protest the revision of the Broadcasting Law or the broadcasting bill in front of the House of Representatives (DPR) building in Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, May 27, 2024. They objected to problematic articles in the bill, which is currently under the lawmakers’ deliberation.

Based on Tempo's observation, the demonstrators arrived at around 09:40 a.m. local time. The masses marched from around GBK to the parliament building, expressing their rejection of the bill and calling for press freedom through banners.

Herik Kurniawan, the chairman of the Indonesian Television Journalists Association (IJTI) and one of the coordinators of today's rally, said that demonstrations were held not only in Jakarta, but also in other cities in Indonesia, including Aceh, Lampung, Bali, and Surabaya.

He stressed that the latest revised draft of the Broadcasting Law contains several articles that are highly detrimental to the public, one of which is the ban on investigative journalism. “It is detrimental to the people because the fourth pillar of democracy is the press.”

Organizations participating in the rally include the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Jakarta, the Association of Indonesian Journalists (PWI) Jaya, the Greater Jakarta Association of Indonesian Television Journalists (IJTI), Indonesian Photojournalists (PFI), and the Media and Creative Industry Workers Union for Democracy (SINDIKASI).

Additionally, there are also LBH Pers Jakarta, LPM Institut of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, LPM Progress Indraprasta University PGRI, LPM TYPE PoliMedia Creative Jakarta, LPM Parmagz Paramadina, LPM SUMA of the University of Indonesia (UI), LPM Didaktika of the State University of Jakarta (UNJ), LPM ASPIRASI - UPN Veteran Mata IBN Institute Bisnis Nusantara, LPM Media Publica, to LPM Unsika.


Editor's Choice: Broadcasting Bill: Indonesia Must Not Regress to Dark Ages, Observer Says

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