Catholic Youths Condemn Gun Attack at MUI Headquarters


Ricky Mohammad Nugraha


Laila Afifa

Selasa, 2 Mei 2023 20:20 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Catholic youth center administrator on Tuesday strongly condemns the shooting that happened at the Central Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI). The shooting, reportedly, injured three MUI employees with one sustaining a bullet wound in the back.

“We strongly condemn the shooting at the MUI headquarters that injured people. We offer our deepest condolences following this incident,” the youth center’s chairperson Stefanus Asat Gusma on May 2.

Gusma hopes that this case can be resolved soon and urges the police to thoroughly investigate the motive for the shooting. He also encouraged everyone to maintain peace and unity and not be provoked by the various acts of violence heading toward the 2024 elections.

"Violence in any form is never justified. Let's take care of brotherhood and become agents of peace," he said.

The suspect in the shooting was identified as Mustofa NR, who died shortly after the confrontation. He had requested to meet with MUI chairperson Miftachul Akhyar before lashing out by shooting his gun at the site.


Editor's Choice: Shooter at MUI Headquarters Dies at Crime Scene

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