Here are the Foods That are Very Rich in Omega-3





Senin, 20 Desember 2021 22:30 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The key for a healthy and bright skin is not only pricy products and treatment, but also filling your body with nutritious food for an extended period of time. Food with unsaturated fat, especially one that contains omega-3 in particular is important for a balanced diet and healthier skin.

Quoted from Well and Good, dermatologist Marisa Kardos Garschick said that the fat and omega-3 can help to reduce inflammation and improves skin's dehydration. It can also helps to treat acnes, psoriasis and eczema.

Research has shown that omega-3 is able to reduce the itch, inflammation and scaling for someone who has psoriasis. Additionally, consuming omega-3 may supports and improves heart condition, reduce liver fat and fights depression.

Here are foods containing omega-3 to maintain your skin:

1. Fatty fish, includes Salmon, Tuna, Mackerel and Sardine

According to diet expert Amanda Baker Lemein, many nutritionist recommend to include two plates of fatty fish in a week to your diet because it can protects your skin for UV ray.

2. Plant Oil, including Algae, Walnut and Linseed Oil

The three main acid in omega-3, alpha-linolenic Acid (APA), eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DPA) are renowned for their health benefit such as reducing markers of heart disease. Omega 6 is also an acidic fat, mainly found in plant oil and western food. To maintain the balance of the acid as well as unsaturated fat, experts recommend to eat more omega-3, which often eaten below normal portions.

3. Seeds, Nuts including Chia, Linseed and Walnut

The seeds of Chia and Linseed might be small, but rich of Omega-3. Linseed is also rich of magnesium, thiamine and good fiber Whereas Chia is richer in fiber and proteins.

According to dr. Garshick, different studies resulted in different allowed dose of omega-3 intake and currently there has not been any general recommendation. However, people generally take EPA and DPA combined 250 to 500 mg a day. Recommended Dietary Allowed (RDA) for ALA is 1,1 and 1,6 gram for women and men respectively.

Diet guidance for American , recommended 500 mg of fish oil per day, or roughly two plates of fatty fish per week. Garshick also recommends eating foods containing omega-3 routinely and in two to three months it may improves your skin.

The old saying of "patient is the key" truly is applied in skin treatment. Consistency and healthy lifedata-style is important for the skin's health otherwise, there would not be any improvement. "Stay dehydrated, sleep well, eat a balanced food and wears sunblock," said dr. Garshick.

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