Men's Hairstyle Trend Prediction in 2019


Dewi Elvia Muthiariny


Petir Garda Bhwana

Kamis, 3 Januari 2019 13:20 WIB

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The data-style of man bun for men has been one of the popular hairdata-styles in recent years, however, people are starting to move on now. Men’s Health Australia predicted high and tight haircut will be the trend in 2019.

A number of world celebrities choose to get a fade haircut which is a form of tapering the hair, but the hair is cut drastically lower than a regular taper. The lowest cut starts from the neck and gradually thicken to the top.

Johnson Viane, Head Barber at Esstudio Garage which is the popular hair and beauty salon in Australia, said men usually asked for celebrity haircuts. “Cutting men’s hair has always been a passion of mine and to notice these young men come in inspired by different hairdata-styles is what I like to see,” said Viane as quoted from Men’s Health Australia.

Based on demands throughout 2018, Viane and Esstudio Garage issued a prediction regarding the top men’s hairdata-style in 2019 at the end of December last year. According to him, all men’s haircuts would be about skin fade, box cuts, and the comb.

Viane mentioned several haircut data-styles of Hollywood celebrity, namely Brad Pitt with his slick back, Will Smith with flat top haircuts, and George Clooney with pompadour data-style.


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