Talangsari Must Be Decided by The House



Selasa, 9 September 2008 19:25 WIB

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta : The Minister of Defense Juwono Sudarsono said on Tuesday decisions on whether or not the Talangsari case a major violation of human rights must be taken by the House of Representatives. The National Commission on Human Rights only works to provide suggestions on the facts.

Speaking after a meeting on nasional defense at the presidential palace Juwono said according to the national law on human rights a decision to determine whether an incident in the past was a major human rights violation or not should be taken in a legislative process meaning a law must be passed to determine a case was a serious human rights violation.

His department and the National Arrmed Forces, Juwono said, will accept and appreciate any suggestion from the National Commission on Human Rights on Talang Sari, which will be useful to be discussed with the house.

According to the report by the Commission for the Disappeared and Victims of Violence (Kontras) the incident in the province of Lampung in 1989 has killed 167, 164 arrested, and 88 were missing.

Anton Aprianto

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