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Finland Express Interest in Lake Toba Conservancy



24 March 2015 05:44 WIB

Lake Toba. TEMPO/Soetana Hasby

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Finland has expressed its interest to take part in the effort to conserve Lake Toba in North Sumatra. This was said by Kalervo Vaananen the Chairman of Finland Rector Forum after a meeting with Vice President Jusuf Kalla in Jakarta just recently.

“We hope that in the future we can involve Lake Toba in developing the cooperation, how it can be protected and cleaned,” said Vaananen at the Vice President office.

“The cooperation was suggested by our colleagues from Indonesia. When we visited Sumatra, some universities invited us to a discussion about Lake Toba and few months later we developed the cooperation.”

Vaananen will soon meet with Environmental and Forestry Ministry Siti Nurbaya to settle legal issues for the partnership.


Govt to Offer Incentives to Eco Friendly Companies

14 Desember 2018

Govt to Offer Incentives to Eco Friendly Companies

Nurmayanti, head of product standardization for the
Environment and Forestry Ministry, said that her office is
preparing a regulation that would offer incentives to eco
friendly companies.

Two Corpse Flowers Found in Dense Sukabumi Residential Area

14 Desember 2018

Two Corpse Flowers Found in Dense Sukabumi Residential Area

Two corpse flowers or Amorphophallus titanum were seen growing
in the midst of a residential area at Gang Limus in Sukabumi

Two Ministers Lead Beach Cleaning Action in Kuta

14 Desember 2018

Two Ministers Lead Beach Cleaning Action in Kuta

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti and
Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi led the beach cleaning action
at Kuta Beach, Bali.

Jokowi: Ocean Preservation Requires Global Mental Revolution

14 Desember 2018

Jokowi: Ocean Preservation Requires Global Mental Revolution

President Jokowi in his opening speech in 2018 Our Ocean
Conference (OOC) said a global mental revolution was required
to preserve the sea.

Bogor to Ban the Use of Plastic Shopping Bags

14 Desember 2018

Bogor to Ban the Use of Plastic Shopping Bags

West Java`s Bogor city administration has decided to ban the
use of plastic bags by shopping centers as from December 1.

Greenpeace Activists Detained after Boarding Palm Oil Tanker

14 Desember 2018

Greenpeace Activists Detained after Boarding Palm Oil Tanker

Six Greenpeace activists were arrested for carrying out a
peaceful rally by boarding a cargo ship containing palm oil
from Wilmar International.

Dead Sea Turtles, Jakarta Examines Water in Thousand Island

14 Desember 2018

Dead Sea Turtles, Jakarta Examines Water in Thousand Island

Jakarta Environmental Agency in Thousand Island would examine
sample water allegedly contaminated by oil waste that caused
the death of three endange

Indonesia Concerns About Live Reef Fish Trade: Minister

14 Desember 2018

Indonesia Concerns About Live Reef Fish Trade: Minister

Minister Susi Pudjiastuti has expressed concern about the
issue of consumed live reef fish which was very popular in
the international market.

Raja Ampat Guides Work Together to Clean Misool Sea

14 Desember 2018

Raja Ampat Guides Work Together to Clean Misool Sea

Indonesian Guides Association (HPI) of Raja Ampat worked
together to clean the beach and pick up the spiny starfish.

Rainy Season to Start on October, Says BMKG

24 Oktober 2018

Rainy Season to Start on October, Says BMKG

The Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG)
predicted most regions in Indonesia will be entering the rainy
season on October.