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These 10 Countries Offer Unemployment Benefits for Jobless Citizens


Najla Nur Fauziyah


Laila Afifa

3 September 2024 22:19 WIB

TEMPO.CO, JakartaLayoff is one of the most terrifying things to face for workers worldwide. Losing a steady job means a lack of steady income, which could mean difficulties in affording basic needs. However, some countries in the world offer unemployment benefits to their citizens. 

The benefits come in the form of monthly cash to keep unemployed citizens afloat while searching for another job.

Countries with Best Unemployment Benefits

Citing The Business Standard that refers to the 2019 data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), here is the list of countries that offer their citizens unemployment benefits. 

1. Luxembourg

Luxembourg provides a job loss benefit of 80 percent of previous gross income. Meanwhile, unemployed people who have one or more dependent children will receive cash assistance of 85 percent of the average wages earned while still working. This benefit is part of unemployment insurance in Luxembourg.

2. Bulgaria

Bulgaria provides daily cash benefits for the unemployed of 60 percent of the average insured income and has paid contributions for 24 months. Workers who are laid off must report to the local Employment Office a maximum of seven days after becoming unemployed.

3. Portugal

The Portuguese government provides unemployment benefits equivalent to 65 percent of the reference remuneration calculated based on 30 days per month. The amount of this benefit can increase by up to 10 percent if the former worker has children or is part of a single-parent household.

4. Switzerland

The Swiss government provides unemployment benefits of 70 percent of the insured salary, which is the average salary for 6-12 months before being laid off. In addition, assistance will increase to 80 percent if the former worker has dependent children under the age of 25, the insured monthly salary is less than Rp69 million, or has a disability rating of at least 40 percent.

5. Netherlands

Workers who lose their jobs in the Netherlands are entitled to receive unemployment benefits of 75 percent of their last salary, with a maximum nominal of 265.54 Euros per day for the first two months. Then in the following month, the value of the benefits provided decreases to 70 percent of the last salary.

6. France

The French government has launched a return-to-work benefit program or Aide au retour a l'emploi (ARE) for employees who have involuntarily lost their jobs. The amount of ARE is calculated in part based on the daily reference wage (SJR) of up to 75 percent. SJR is based on gross contributory earnings for 24 months (36 months for workers aged 53 and over) before the end of employment.

7. Germany

There are two main types of unemployment benefits you can receive in Germany, Unemployment Benefit I (Arbeitslosengeld I) and Unemployment Benefit II (Arbeitslosengeld II). Unemployment Benefit I is given to workers who have been laid off and have been registered with unemployment insurance for at least 12 months in the last two years, while Unemployment Benefit II is based on a recipient's eligibility test.

8. Belgium

The Belgian government provides unemployment benefits for up to 48 months, the value of which decreases over time. For the first 12 months, couples living with dependent family members receive unemployment benefits of 60 percent of their last salary, single people receive 55 percent, and 40 percent for couples without dependent children.

9. Norway

In Norway, the Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration (NAV) is responsible for unemployment benefits for workers. Former workers can get cash assistance of up to 62.4 percent of their previous earnings up to Rp 1.09 billion paid biweekly for up to 104 weeks.

10. Spain

Workers in Spain whose contracts expire are laid off, or whose hours and wages are reduced by 10-70 percent can receive unemployment benefits. Unemployment benefits are given depending on the number of dependent family members. Workers without children can receive benefits of 80 percent of the minimum limit set by the government, while unemployed people with two children can receive benefits of up to 225 percent.


Editor’s Choice: Work-Life Balance: 10 Countries That Prioritize Off-hours

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