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Jokowi Confers Honorary Medals upon Surya Paloh, Prabowo, and 62 Others

14 August 2024 19:42 WIB

TEMPO.CO, JakartaPresident Joko "Jokowi" Widodo conferred honorary medals upon 64 individuals, including prominent figures such as NasDem Party Chairman Surya Paloh and Investment Minister Bahlil Lahadalia. The ceremony took place at the State Palace on Wednesday, August 14, 2024, as part of the nation's 79th Independence Day commemorations.

The conferral of these medals was based on Presidential Decree numbers 103 to 108 of 2024. Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Hadi Tjahjanto, as Chairman of the Service and Honorary Medals (GTK) Council, explained that the recipients were selected based on their significant contributions and adherence to legal requirements.

“These medals and honors recognize the dedication of ministers, deputy ministers, and other officials during their terms under President Joko Widodo's administration,” stated Hadi in IKN, East Kalimantan, on Monday, August 12.

The list of recipients includes:

Pioneering Medal:

- Surya Paloh, Founder of Media Group  

Bintang Republik Indonesia Utama:

- Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment 

- Airlangga Hartarto, Coordinating Minister for the Economy 

Bintang Mahaputera Adipradana

- Prabowo Subianto, Defense Minister 

- Hadi Tjahjanto, Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law, and Security 

- Bambang Soesatyo, Chairman of the MPR RI 

- General (ret.) Andika Perkasa, Former TNI Commander

- Admiral (ret.) Yudo Margono, Former TNI Commander 

- Lodewijk F Paulus, Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives

- Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives

- Rachmad Gobel, Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives

- Erick Thohir, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises

- Bahlil Lahadalia, Minister of Investment

- Nadiem Makarim, Minister of Education

- Ida Fauziah, Minister of Manpower

- Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, Minister of Industry

- Arifin Tasrif, Minister of Energy

- Abdul Halim Iskandar, Minister of Villages

- Suharso Monoarfa, Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bapenas

- Teten Masduki, Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs

- I Gusti Ayu Bintang Puspayoga, Minister of PPPA

- ST Burhanuddin, Attorney General

- Muhammad Luthfi Al Yahya, Member of the Presidential Advisory Council

- Putri Kus Wisnu Wardani, Member of the Presidential Advisory Council

- Agus Widjojo, Governor of the National Defense Institute

Bintang Mahaputera Utama

- Sandiaga Uno, Minister of Tourism

- Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, Minister of Religious Affairs

- Budi Gunadi Sadikin, Minister of Health

- Tri Rismaharini, Minister of Social Affairs

- Sakti Wahyu Trenggono, Minister of Maritime Affairs

- General (Ret.) Dudung Abdurachman, Former Army Chief of Staff

- Marshal (Ret.) Fadjar Prasetyo, Former Air Force Chief of Staff

Bintang Mahaputera Pratama

- Azwar Anas, Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment

- Budi Arie Setiadi, Minister of Communication and Information

Bintang Mahaputera Nararya

- Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning

- Ahmad Basarah, Deputy Chairman of the MPR RI

- Ahmad Muzani, Deputy Chairman of the MPR RI

- Lestari Moerdijat, Deputy Chairman of the MPR RI

- Jazilul Fawaid, Deputy Chairman of the MPR RI

- Nono Sampono, Deputy Chairman of the DPD RI

- Sultan Baktiar Najamudin, Deputy Chairman of the DPD RI

- Dito Ariotedjo, Minister of Youth

- Sri Woerjaningsih, General Chairperson of the Women's Congress Indonesia

- Yohanes Purwanto, BRIN Principal Researcher

Bintang Mahaputera

- General (Ret.) Idham Aziz, Former Chief of Police

Bintang Jasa Utama

- Jerry Sambuaga, Deputy Minister of Trade

- Yandri Susanto, Deputy Chairman of the MPR RI

- Gandi Sulistyanto, Member of the Presidential Advisory Council

- John Wempi Wetipo, Deputy Minister of Home Affairs

- Suahasil Nazara, Deputy Minister of Finance

- Alue Dohong, Deputy Minister of Environment and Forestry

- Kartika Wirjoatmodjo, Deputy Minister of SOEs II

- Angela Tanoesoedibjo, Deputy Minister of Tourism

- Hasto Atmojo, Head of LPSK

- Nusron Wahid, Head of BP2MI 2014-2019

- Otto Toto Sugiri, CEO and Founder of PT DCI Indonesia TBK

Bintang Jasa Pratama

- Herindra, Deputy Minister of Defense

- Pahala Nugraha Mansury, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

- Dante Saksono Harbuwono, Deputy Minister of Health

- Harvick Hasnul Qolby, Deputy Minister of Agriculture

- Abdul Aziz Rani, Chief of Presidential Doctors 2016-2020

- Arif Budimanta, Special Staff of the President for Economic Affairs

Bintang Budaya Parama Dharma

- KH Ali Manshur Shiddiq (deceased), Creator of the Badar Solawat

- Djauhar Zaharsyah Fahrudin Roesli (deceased), Cultural Artist


Editor’s Choice: Jokowi: Rp6bn Bonus for Indonesia's Olympic Medalists

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