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10 Habits to Help You Fall Asleep Fast and Beat Insomnia

10 September 2024 23:46 WIB


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Several simple habits can help you fall asleep, including listening to relaxing music, limiting caffeine intake, and practicing breathing techniques. Still, finding the right way to relax can be difficult for people who suffer from insomnia. 

This article presents 10 habits to help people with insomnia fall asleep quickly, as cited from Healthline and the Sleep Foundation

1. Put on Relaxing Music

The first habit to try to help insomniacs fall asleep is to put on some relaxing music. This can be a playlist of classical songs or a compilation of soothing natural sounds like rain and drizzle. Listening to 30 minutes of relaxing music can help reduce anxiety. The result is a better quality of sleep. 

2. Limit Caffeine Intake 

Limiting caffeine intake during the day is a common habit to help you fall asleep faster, even if you have insomnia. While many experts say the effects of caffeine peak after 30 minutes of consumption, the compounds can stay in the body for 10 hours. That's why it's important to control your caffeine intake. 

3. Practice the 4-7-8 Breathing Technique 

If you are looking for a way to fall asleep quickly with insomnia, many studies suggest the 4-7-8 breathing technique. The technique is based on the pranayama exercise in yoga and promotes relaxation of the body before going to bed. 

The complete steps of the 4-7-8 breathing technique are as follows: 

- Place the tip of the tongue behind the upper front teeth. 
- Exhale through the mouth making a "whoosh" sound. 
- Close your mouth and breathe in through your nose, counting to 4. 
- Hold your breath as you count to 7 
- Open your mouth and make another "whoosh" sound while counting to 8 
- Repeat the cycle more than 3 times 

4. Practicing the Military Method 

The Military Method is a famous way to help people with insomnia fall asleep quickly. This method was widely practiced during World War II when US Navy aviators fell asleep in 120 seconds. 

These are the steps to achieve the military method: 

- Relax the whole part of your face 
- Place your hands on the sides of your body and let your shoulders drop slowly. 
- Breathe out and let your chest relax 
- Relax the lower part of your body, starting with your thighs, calves, and legs. 
- Visualize a calming attitude and try to say "don't think" for 10 seconds. 
- Repeat the method 

5. Avoid Looking at the Clock 

Looking at the clock can cause anxiety for people who have trouble sleeping, especially if they wake up at dawn. That's why it's recommended to put the clock away from the bed or close to it to fall asleep quickly. 

6. Practice Meditation 

Meditation, like yoga, is the key to achieving relaxation in the human body. It's common to see people who actively meditate fall asleep faster than people who are constantly exposed to stress. With this yoga membership, you can be one step closer to having better sleep qualities. 

7. Write Before Bed 

Many people have a hard time falling asleep because their minds are tangled up in the anxiety of tomorrow's events. Writing in a journal 15 minutes before going to bed can prevent this from happening by sorting out your thoughts on paper. Try to remember the positive parts of the day and write them down. 

8. Focus on Staying Awake

Did you know that playing a physiological trick on yourself can be beneficial? For example, there is a sleep technique called paradoxical intention that has helped people fall asleep quickly. When you try this method, you don't force yourself to fall asleep, you force yourself to stay awake longer. This soon shifts the fear of falling asleep and puts the body into relaxation. 

9. Exercise During the Day 

According to Healthline, exercising 2 hours before bed doesn't help improve sleep quality. That's why it's important to set the right schedule for your exercise routine. Some recommended exercises to help you fall asleep faster include jogging, hiking, biking, and lifting weights early in the day. 

10. Adjust Meal Times

Studies from the American Time Use Survey have shown that eating a meal within 1 hour of bedtime increases the chances of waking up soon after falling asleep. Based on this finding, it's recommended to allow at least 2 hours between your last meal and bedtime. 

Each of these fast fall-asleep habits may work well for different people. If it's not possible to try all of them, you can practice just a few, but in a regular setting. 

Healthline | Sleep Foundation

Editor's Choice: 7 Health Issues Caused by Sleep Deprivation

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